Dominion Over the Earth ...

10 months ago

Dominion Over the Earth ...
From Creation and then the creation of man, first God Himself exercised His Dominion and Authority over ALL of the Heavens and the Earth... Then when He created man in likeness, He told man that he had dominion over everything on the earth, the beast of fields, the birds of the air, life in the waters and everything creepy thing that creeps along the ground... Until... Satan came creeping along and deceived usurped the dominion to his favor...
Then Jesus came and lived on this earth and through His Love, Grace, Mercy and Compassion returned dominion over everything on this Earth including the creepy things that creep around...Luke 10:19 after returning from a commission the 72 returned amazed that even the demons were subjected to them in the Name of Jesus... Jesus told them that He has given the Authority if the Kingdom of Heaven and that the demons must obey and they have the power to tread upon serpents and scorpions (more creepy things)... Yet many still find themselves falling under subsections of the false lies of the demonic and live in fear of their power... These fallen angels, demonic, evil and increasingly spirits have no power except only the powers we allow them... Many if things that creep around once had a home in Heaven but because of their rebellion and disobedience have been exiled from Heaven and now are destined to live here on earth until the day of the return if Jesus and they face their eternal judgment of being cast into the Lake of Fire... And something that really agrivates and ticks them off is that they are subject to man's domain and rule of this earth... We are told to subdue the earth in our dominion and this includes the demonic forces of evil... We should be standing on the Word and Authority given us through Jesus Name and the Kingdom of Heaven and not falling prey to their schemes of initiating fear in lives and being tossed about like the waves of the sea... When the great storm came upon the sea one night the disciples became very afraid, yet Jesus firmly STOOD and spoke,,, PEACE BE STILL,,, and the winds ceased and the waves became calm...
Many of us fall prey to enemies schemes as they try to usurp the dominion from our lives through things that go bump in the night, shadow creatures on the walls, demons invading our bedrooms and dreams, fear of the evils surrounding us day by day, fear of workers of iniquities, and so many other evils schemes to cause us to believe we are nothing compared to them... Yet they are so wrong in their deceptive practices... The Truth found in Jesus and His name, scares the ones who try and scare us... The Authority given to cast demons from our lives. The Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven given us by Jesus to Bind what I'd not of Heaven and to Loosen not of Heaven or to Bind what is of Heaven to ourselves or to Loosen the Authority of Heaven against all evils. These are the essentials and the means for us to once again subdue and stand in dominion upon this Earth... In Jesus Most Almighty Name...

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