The Movie "Arcadian" Is Predictive Programming: Suggesting Brainchipzombies Are From Disease-X

6 months ago

The dumbed-down sheeple are tricked into believing Disease-X is a real virus that defies death and makes the undead keep moving. Once implanted, the TI can have strange manufactured dreams, odd body cramps, hear voices not in the air-waves, have visions, totally lose memory of strange acts performed or said... all leading up the being a bio-robot brainchipzombie.

Brainchipzombie, bio-robot, sleeper-assassins are very real... but virus-zombies are fake and pushed by the USA CDC-Luciferians in control of government.
The Freemasons rebuilt the Tower-Of-Babel to help the Homo capensis species to extinct humanity... this is why George Bush joined the 322 Death cUlt of Freemasonry. Goyim will be covertly implanted with brainchips to remote control and character-assassinate them.
No Freemasons gather in lodges and temples anymore because they are all using Metaverse Avatars for their secret meeting and commands from Lucifer the Ai fake-god.

Brainchipzombies will be able to move around at night to help cover-up that they are run by advanced brain-interface technology... you can detect them with a proper digital-microwave scanner even when in sleeper mode. You best begin brushing up on brainchip technology today because once the NWO-trap is sprung, my information will be unavailable, I bet.

Hollywood is just a Luciferian-run mass-media organization lead by Homo capensis geniuses who want human sheeple to die-off first then then the cUlt-minions would be all tricked into suicide supported by mind-boggling technologies. This movie is about using brainchipzombies to help reduce world population with the fake Disease-X... which is just an magnetic implants messing with many people's brain neurons. The digital microwaves communicates and controls the fake zombies. This movie is weaponize to hide the truth when the NWO-TRAP is sprung to create mass-chaos.

You need to understand that brainchipped TIs are sleeper assassins and can also be used as brainchip-zombies remote-controlled as bio-robots by the Luciferians(Freemasons, Eastern-Stars, Mormons, Scientologists, Catholics, zionists, hebrews, etc.,)

Elon Musk's Neuralink is a smokescreen and does not really work, but the real technology is magnetic:

Freemasons use bio-robots to cover-up their wickedness:

This movie is to help set you mind for zombies all around you... the movie tries to train the sheeple just like Celestial tried:
These zombies are simply remote-control:

You best figure out the technology today and how to stop the signals from the Freemasons and monsters.


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