Elder Memories of America since 1939 War World II and Operation Millstone

10 months ago

Since 1939 war babies Baxter and Stout account for over 80 years of memories of how and why America is facing it's downfall. Like other patriotic Americans they thought they we were born free in America. Now at an elder age they realize they and every single American Citizen has been betrayed, enslaved and taxed to "death" without representation by a US Congress full of Satan’s sodomite "smiling snake oil con artist" Billionaire Elite politicians. Puppets to Israel Zionist Nazi CIA Military Complex. Over 12 million lives in wars sacrificed to Satan's genocide since 1945. In Iraq alone 500,000 of God's Children were slaughtered. Now through Nazi World Economic Forum United Nations all American Citizens-330 million consisting of conservatives, liberals, veterans, military enlisted, families, children and babies are targeted for slaughter. Obama-Biden's "Operation Open Borders" have enabled all the terrorist groups Hezbollah, Hamas, and more to come into USA through open borders with Chinese to blow up, torture rape, murder in revenge every human being living in America. American people must once again "FIGHT FOR LIFE" under Operation Millstone Golden Rule inalienable rights Universal Law against the same British Vatican Royal Bank Empire "WE THE PEOPLE" defeated in 1776 American Revolution.

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