George Strawman, i am a living man and will use my legal fiction against them.

9 months ago

Through no thought of their own many people have been persuaded not to vote or register to vote and then write I DO NOT CONSENT on their ballot. Spoilt ballots are recorded in the turnout and message. You are governed by consent, common law and common sense tells you that when your dissent using these words are used "I DO NOT CONSENT" and the majority 70% to 80% of the electorate state that. That causes a constitutional crisis for the separation of power which is OUR form of constitutional governance.

Ask a freeman what repugnant means in law. It means we the people find it abhorrent therefore it cannot be law. If a Jury was to find YOU not guilty of an offence that the "state" says you're guilty. Can the Jury nullify your offence in law with NO APPEAL from the state? YES. So who holds the power in a democratic system. The people. If however the Jurors abstain from voting what will happen? The state could keep the defendant in a state of incarceration and legal purgatory forever. Yes, BUT our constitution stopped the state from doing that. How? Habeas Corpus and the trial of the seven bishops. If you only knew the power the people hold over above the state.

Observance of due Process of Law (1368) - 'according to the old Law of the Land: And if any Thing from henceforth be done to the contrary, it shall be void in the Law, and holden for Error"

Parliament is NOT sovereign YOU ARE. The constitution is sovereign. By ignorance or connivence or ignorance you have been mis-instructed on the law and the power of your vote to bring the "powers" to be, to their knees.

I'll ask a freeman (a real one) a question: If you was a juror would you withhold you vote and condemn a living man to further imprisonment and re trial or would you set him free with a vote of not guilty?

Voting I DO NOT CONSENT is setting the country free from tyranny. You have the power. Do not abstain.

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