Channeling mystery in the night - JL Weir creates epic paranormal romances ala Game of Thrones

11 months ago

Join JL Weir, (@JLWeirRHAuthor on Insta, Jennifer Weir on Facebook) author of A Crown Without Mercy, (available on Amazon) on THE SOULFAM PODCAST with Diana and Lexi ( for an indepth conversation about her creativity in four paranormal romances (A Crown Without Mercy, Beyond the Veil, I'd Rather Burn, Bound in Darkness.) From wild animal trainer to motherhood to epic paranormal romance writer, Jen's ascension into writing forsakes all logic and comes naturally through her own spirituality and creativity. Inspiration to many, Jen shares her paranormal upbringing in rural Colorado and adventures in animal training in California which eventually led to engaging, creatively imaginative world of faeries, clans, wizards, warlocks and all things magical in the very mysterious yet seemingly real worlds of her highly-engaging novels (all available on Amazon.) A writer, Jen is quickly establishing her own publishing company as well. She also discusses her supportive upbringing with an open-minded mama and wise grandmother, both whom encouraged her to connect with her supernatural gifts, and to never be ashamed or deny them. We hope you love this episode of THE SOULFAM PODCAST with Diana and Lexi. And look forward to curling up with one of Jen's mesmerizing novels!!

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