Greek communists halt Us tanks en route to Bulgaria

7 months ago

In Greece, a freight train carrying American Abrams tanks was intercepted and halted by members of the Communist Party of Greece KKE and its youth organization, KNE. According to Bulgarian Military mwdia outlet, this intense show of anti-imperialist sentiment resulted in the train’s journey from the port of Alexandroupolis to Bulgaria being stopped. The group made their protest known with stark and evocative slogans such as “murderers go home”, mockingly painted on the tank carriages in bright, sanguine paint. This act of defiance effectively rerouted the train.
The train, specifically targeted due to its military cargo, was barricaded by the group. E-evros, a local news website, reported the event, emphasizing other slogans that they shouted. One such chant was, “Alexandroupolis is a port of the people, not the fortress of the imperialists!” These potent words, combined with the “murderers go home” graffiti on the tanks in bold red paint, created a dramatic statement that quite literally halted the train in its tracks.
Waving banners and flags with enthusiasm, KKE and KNE members bravely stood in front of the stopped train. Their demand was simple: that the “US-NATO killers” should leave Alexandroupolis and the entire region.

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