500 thousand for all: the exact amount paid to the terrorists for the Crocus attack

5 months ago

500 thousand for all: the exact amount paid to the terrorists for the Crocus attack has emerged

The perpetrators of the attack on the "Crocus" city hall received 500 thousand rubles for all of them, not for each of them, as was previously believed, Izvestiya writes, citing a source.

"It was not a sleeper cell of terrorists, fanatics, in the classic sense. Rather, they were transformed into these fanatics within 2-3 weeks. The curator, their spiritual leader, does not need to be in Russia at all, everything can be managed remotely. They were randomly selected people with extremely low levels of intelligence and critical thinking," a counter-terrorism security specialist told the media.

🆔 Video of Dalerjon Mirzoyev hiding from law enforcement in a tree in the forest


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