(Sacred Geometry Revised)

10 months ago

I Discovered that the 4 Symbols After the (Flower of Life) in the Historical Version of Sacred Geometry are Luciferian Transhumanism A.I. Corruption Symbols.
{Metatronic Reversal} Symbols.
1.{The Kabbalah}=
{The Kabba/Black Cube}=
Evolved from the Annunaki Tree of
2.{13 Circle Fruit of Life}=
{1/3 Lucifer Took With Him}+
{13 Ruling Families}+
{Fig Fruit/Wasp Corpse}+
{13 Luciferian Attributes}=
Begining with Ego.
3.{7 Circle Egg of Life}=
Is Actually the 7 Circle
(Seed of Life).
(Cellular Division) Goes,
(1/2/4/8/16/32/64) ECT.
Not to 7.
4.{Metatrons Cube}=
{Black Cube of Saturn}+
{The Kabba}=
{Metatronic Reversal Symbol}=
(={Transhumanism A.I. Egg}>--

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