The 3 Things Every GOOD Retirement Plan Has

9 months ago

Retirement planning can be DAUNTING! How do you know if you have enough money saved? What if there is something you're missing? What happens if you plan wrong?

The first stop to retirement planning is to STOP worrying and START creating a plan. In this video I'm going to share the 3 things every good retirement plan has to help you get started in your retirement journey!

Remember, Financial Freedom is found through Discipline 👏

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0:11 - Budget and expense management systems
2:10 - 1. Savings and investment strategy
3:58 - 2. Quick note about risk tolerance
4:21 - 3. Risk management and contingency planning
6:50 - How to get started with retirement planning

#retirementplanning #retirementplan #retireearly

Chisholm Financial Planning & Investments is owned by Jenny Logan and is a registered investment advisory firm regulated by the Securities & Exchange Commission in accordance and compliance with US securities laws and regulations. Chisholm Financial Planning & Investments does not render, or offer to render, personalized investment or tax advice through any videos or other content on any social media platform to include YouTube. The information provided in these videos is provided without compensation and for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute financial, tax, investment, or legal advice.

Copyright © 2023 Chisholm Financial Planning & Investments

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