Dr. Patrick Moore | Session 118: The Truth Pact (EN) | 19.08.2022

9 months ago

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Dr. Patrick Moore - Co-Founder & Ex-President of Greenpeace, Author
Has a BSc Biology and a PhD Ecology
Director of co2coalition.org :
The Coalition seeks to engage in an informed and dispassionate discussion of climate change, humans’ role in the
climate system, the limitations of climate models, and the consequences of mandated reductions in CO2 emissions.

Popular quote: “We are facing a situation where a huge number of
very powerful organizations and elites […] are calling for policies that
are a suicide pact, a death wish of some sort.”
Strongly opposes the idea, that there are too many people on earth, since humanity is way better off today, then in the past centuries,
thanks to science and innovations. Voices serious doubts on the CO2-caused Climate Change narrative dominating academia, politics and news & criticizes K. Schwabs “Own nothing and be happy”-doctrine.

About what happened when Greenpeace grew: became a business with shifted priorities (money over ideals).
Greenpeace also started to describe humanity as “enemies of the earth”, while he had a humanitarian vision for Greenpeace.
He argues for a balance between taking from nature (which feeds us) and taking care of nature.

The Corona Committee was founded on the initiative of attorney and economist Viviane Fischer and attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. It is conducting a review of evidence on the Corona crisis and measures.

Learn more about the committee:

Anonymous tips to the Corona Committee:

Dr. Reiner Fuellmichs english Telegram channel:


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