"Evil is Not a Thing, it's a Person." The Truth About Satan!!

11 months ago

Narrator: Have you ever been confronted by the devil? I was.
It happened when I was 17 and ready to take that Faustian Bargain: Fame and money thirsty? No. Desperate for validation? Perhaps. I can tell you that Satan is real and he does come as an angel of light. He wasn't explicit contract wise, very vague actually, very unwilling to say more than needed. Very prone to pride and over confidence. In the end, I never took the Bargain, and I never spilled the blood required to sign that deal, but for the next 10 years I would be haunted by his minions in this world, and in the world we can't see.

Today, 20 years later, and 5 years after becoming a born-again Christian, I stand tall after their attacks. I have no fear for these entities, but I do take them very seriously. So should you.

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