651-Was the Quran COPIED from the BIBLE?! | Mohammed Hijab

10 months ago

This video investigates the claim that the Quran is copied from the Bible. Some really interesting points and evidences presented.

it should be noted that Muslims do not negate that the Bible has some of the word of God. But where Muslims recognise a divine element in the Bible they say that (what is today known as) the Bible has since then be corrupted. Similarities between the Quran and the Bible are explained in that the Injeel (Gospels) were in fact revealed to Jesus and the extent of which the Bible is true is the extent to which it has been preserved.

The following is from Britannica encyclopaedia:

Pharaoh, (from Egyptian per ʿaa, “great house”), originally, the royal palace in ancient Egypt. The word came to be used metonymically for the Egyptian king under the New Kingdom (starting in the 18th dynasty, 1539–1292 bce), and by the 22nd dynasty (c. 945–c. 730 bce) it had been adopted as an epithet of respect. It was never the king’s formal title, though, and its modern use as a generic name for all Egyptian kings is based on the usage of the Hebrew Bible. In official documents, the full title of the Egyptian king consisted of five names, each preceded by one of the following titles: Horus, Two Ladies, Golden Horus, King of Upper and Lower Egypt, and Son of Re. The last name was given to him at birth, the others at coronation.

-- This shows that at the time of Joseph it wouldn't have made sense for the King to be referred to as Pharaoh, this is different, indicated above to the time of Moses.

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