What would violence against progressives look like? Who would it target?

11 months ago

Last week on CNN, Anderson Cooper conducted an interview with James Carville in which Carville claimed Joe Biden wasn’t a good attack politician, but suggested that trait wasn’t necessary for him because there were others who could do the president’s “wet work” for him in attacking Donald Trump.

Neat little phrase, eh? Images of children splashing around in a back yard swimming pool jump to mind. However, “wet work” is a common euphemism in intelligence work for murder or assassination. The “wet” being a stand in for blood. You don’t have to take my word for it, any search engine will pull the term up immediately.

As I said, it’s a risk, but the reward is survival and losing is death. And really, how tough are our tyrants? At least that would be discovered. I’m reminded of Alexandr Solzhenitsyn’s wishing that his compatriots had, even once, with bats and clubs or hammers, made the functionaries pay a price, so that from then on, when they left their homes in the morning, they had to wonder if they’d return.

So, what would wet work visited on the left look like? To invoke a progressive hero, it would look like fish in the sea, collective and anonymous, domestic and, quite possibly, foreign; it would look like Thomas Jefferson’s fertilizing the tree of liberty; it would look like free people determined to remain free and willing to pay the price against authoritarians whose only goal is power. And it would look like those authoritarians paying a price. I know where I think the greatest strength lies.

This is Charles Martel bringing down the hammer for the Canada Free Press. Catch me on Instagram at CharlesMartelCFP.

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