Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance Between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia (Full Audiobook)

10 months ago

Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance Between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia (Full Audiobook)
Posted Dec 24, 2023
journalist Paul L. Williams
In this disturbing exposé, journalist Paul L. Williams describes a secret alliance forged at the close of World War II by the CIA, the Sicilian and US mafias, and the Vatican to thwart the possibility of a Communist invasion of Europe...
(((World War 1 and 2 conceals some of the Greatest Secrets of the New World Order Hegemony. For anyone that knows the True Motivations behind the Cold War that it was a Complete Farce. There was nothing natural about the rise of the Bolsheviks and the Soviet Union. The Anglo-American Establishment, British Banksters, Mega Corporations and Jewish Conspirators all helped establish the Soviets as a World Power. THEY WERE GIVEN EVERYTHING.
So anytime the Cold War was used as an excuse for Secret Military Intelligence Operations, it is all a Lie and you need to seek for the True Ulterior Motives.
Inevitably, those Secret Motives always surround the Establishment of the New world Order.
Project Gladio was NOT about fighting Communism, but about World Domination.
The True Main Conspirators Behind All of This Was Britain, the CIA and the Vatican. Or as it may be said, The 3 City States...
(Yeah, NO. The True Secret Mission of the Council on Foreign Relations is to Restore America once again under the Rule of the British Empire, as stated in the Will of Cecil Rhoades. The CFR is in fact the American Branch of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. And to further tie Dulles to the 3 City State Conspiracy, he just also happened to be a Knight of Malta)
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