Christian Beer & Axel Turck | Session 117: Busyness (EN) | 12.08.2022

11 months ago

Hier geht`s zum deutschen Stream:

Christian Beer - Founder, owner and managing director of the Heron Innovations Factory
Originally development and construction of customized assembly machines, meanwhile five
independent subsidiaries.

Axel Turck - Managing Director of Emil Turck GmbH, which manufactures precision
manufactures (customers from the lighting industry, the electronics industry to
mechanical engineering)

Christian Beer: Corona since 2020 from the perspective of an Austrian entrepreneur
and what consequences the measures have had for his company.
About the foundation and his engagement in the network
(initiative of more than 8.8k AU companies), which goals it
pursues and, how it becomes active.

Axel Turck: On the threat of insolvencies of companies in the manufacturing
industry, the gas shortage situation and gas apportionment, the importance of
short- or medium-term gas supply restrictions or stoppages for metal
or stoppages for metal-processing companies.
Also on the ailing infrastructure and bridge damage as a result of
blatant policy failure in the Lüdenscheid area.

The Corona Committee was founded on the initiative of attorney and economist Viviane Fischer and attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. It is conducting a review of evidence on the Corona crisis and measures.

Learn more about the committee:

Anonymous tips to the Corona Committee:

Dr. Reiner Fuellmichs english Telegram channel:


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