"Is BLM A Marxist Organization?" Season 1, Episode 1

11 months ago

The chant that was heard, was "Peaceful Protest" but was it always a Peaceful Protest? You will conclude that Black Lives Matter is a Marxist Communist Organization whose goal is to tear down the Republic and replace it with a new system.
BillyBow and Katherine Aguirre fell into a BLM protest at Seal Beach California on 29 August 2020. Katherine and BillyBow stood with the peaceful people of Seal Beach. The protest took a big turn when BillyBow preached repentance from sin to salvation in Jesus Christ to Black Lives Matter protesters. At the end, of the protest, Anthony Bryson a BLM Leader hit BillyBow on the side of the head just for sharing repentance from sin to salvation in Jesus. Anthony Bryson became angry and said, "I'm a missionary too. In turn, Anthony hit BillyBow on the side of the face. After looking at the video footage, BillyBow was compelled to tell the story "BLM Peaceful Protest."

You will see video footage and news about BLM. This will help you to conclude that Black Lives Matter is a Marxist Communist Organization. Also, you will come to conclude that there is no peaceful protest in BLM's "Cultural Revolution." BLM's whole agenda is to tear down the American Republic and replace it with a new system. How are they changing the system? You will find out in the episodes of "BLM Peaceful Protest."

IMDB: https://imdb.me/billybow-JesusSaves
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/billybowJesusSaves/
Soundtrack: https://michaelubaldini.bandcamp.com/album/song-of-our-time
Email: blmpeacefulprotest@gmail.com

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