goodbye twin kegs2 *ag standup (final open mic comedy @ this bar, RIP)

11 months ago

me n ronnit are the last ones to do this mic for the last time
how did kelsey mistake me n thomas
people must think we are both trance!
kelsey doesn't like mushrooms
comedy does have the habit of bringing people down
i really do hate eating, it's just a nuisance
america n i need to switch places
i have been fired from at least 3 jobs that i can remember for being drunk
i hate these types of people
make threats since they are threatening you w/out realizing
she has an excuse this lady
crying n just gotta do it
i made them ponder, that was the result
i make sure to eat a jalapeno every day
i actually heard an amen to that
you don't have to get pregnant to multiply, you can just be crazy
they really liked that one about God
black people like me more than white people FACTS
kelsey never ceases to remind everyone of this haha
you have to be a medicated zombie to get disability $ true!
more MEMORIES! ebt alcoholic cope
thinkey feeley CLASSIC ag
everyone IS a total candyass
such a dead-end job that not even the AI wants it
gonna have to supply that future robot w/ my weed cookies
they probably will just get addicted to xanax
social media is total trash
these people in the comment section always have the best of intentions!
people on the internet are wasting true!
another comic (female, this means sumin to ME) actually ate some of my dinner!
ronnit is up next, goodbye final tk2 open mic comedy

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