FIRST CLASS on the Jakarta Fast Train

11 months ago

take a first-class high-speed bullet train ride in Jakarta! This travel experience was not what I expected. It is super luxurious and modern, not only in first class but also business class is amazing too.

This bullet train can reach a top speed of 350km/h which is truly impressive. You really don't feel like you're going that fast when you're in a train carriage.

I started my journey at Halim station in Jakarta and headed to Tegalluar in Bandung. The journey that used to take three hours now only takes 40 minutes. This is a tremendous improvement in travel time.

The price is 600,000 Rupiah, which is about $37. For first class I think it's an absolute bargain. I was really excited to see this Jakarta bullet train.

I arrived very early at Halim station, which was very clean and modern. I grabbed an iced coffee and walked to the VIP room inside the station.

After about 30 minutes of waiting in the VIP room, it was time to board the bullet train.

Seeing this majestic train in real life is amazing, it looks very futuristic and modern. Lots of people took photos in front of the train.

Once aboard, I found the first class cabin to be very beautiful and the staff to be very pleasant and helpful. Even though the journey is only 40 minutes, you still get a snack box containing bread, apple juice and water.

After an uneventful train journey, we arrived at Padalarang station, where I then switched to a regular slow train to take me to downtown Bandung.

This transfer is a unique and luxurious travel experience! I highly recommend this Indonesian bullet train. The first class train cabin is very nice and I highly recommend it for your trip from Jakarta to Bandung.

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