Cuscus Power Animal

1 month ago
There are 26 species of the solitary cuscus that live in the rainforests of northern Australia and their nearby islands. They come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors. The self-reliant cuscus has rounded ears, pointed snouts, large eyes, and woolly fur which provides camouflage during the day and insulation at night. They move through the trees to find food and escape predators yet their primary defense strategy is to remain motionless and blend in to avoid detection. They have long tails and strong toes to help grab branches and keep their balance. The nocturnal cuscus feeds mostly on leaves, flowers, and fruit.

Like other marsupials, cuscus give birth to underdeveloped young which continue to grow in their mother’s pouch for at least 6 months. This provides nourishment and protection for the baby joeys until they mature enough to venture out on their own.

The slow and shy cuscus knows how to adapt to different situations and environments. They’re symbols of agility, secrecy, resourcefulness, and independence. When you need to think about something carefully, call on the spirit of the cuscus. Visit our website for a free power animal reading and thank you for subscribing.

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