A Masterpiece On Purim - Part 2 (2024)

11 months ago

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0:00:47 order of Megilla reading and Purim feast
0:05:15 the rules of Mishloach Manot
0:08:40 the rules of Matanot L'evyonim
0:16:01 Zecher LeMachatzit HaShekel
0:18:38 Yom ha Kippurim = ke-Purim
0:21:02 DRINKING
0:25:37 why did Vashti got rash of tzarat on her skin?
0:30:32 R. Uri Zohar story
0:33:11 how did the Jewish Sages outsmart Achashverosh?
0:34:09 Vashti was replaced with Ester
0:37:57 salvation in the blink of the eye
0:43:23 where is the TURNING POINT in the Megilla?
0:46:26 why did Ester agree to marry a goy?
0:54:54 Jewish martirs/sages buried in arab countries
0:59:12 how do arabs fool the Zionist-kommunists?
1:00:35 R. Ovadia Yosef story
1:05:21 road over the grave of holy people
1:11:02 when money comes before ego, and vice versa
1:14:31 why did Ester agreed to marry a goy?
1:23:21 what did Mordechai say to Ester?
1:30:10 when coffee gets spilled on the Sefer Torah
1:44:35 the exceptional student had no intention to ever get married
1:48:47 the reward for convincing others to donate
1:53:02 R. Shlomo Carlebach story
2:01:04 unique cases to break the Jewish Law
2:06:00 chassid blamed R. Carlebach for breaking halacha
2:08:32 Rama, Shulchan Aruch re
2:14:27 Haman fell on Ester's bed
2:18:56 the gallows was 25 meter high
2:24:24 Haman's politics counterproductive
2:29:11 why even a smart man needs a rabbi?
-rabbi has experience dealing with the public
-develops connetion, knows the right people
-he has special help from Heaven to help others
-he can save you from big troubles
2:37:35 benefit of dating the wrong shidduch
2:39:05 secret code signals Haman's death (ki kalta elav araa)
2:40:42 Mordechai knew Tursi language and saved the King
2:50:51 gratefulness vs ungratefulness
2:58:51 Haman made more Jews return to God than others
3:01:36 how does God open the eyes of man
3:08:24 if a chacham caused you embarrassment

A Masterpiece On Purim - Part 2 (2024)

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