He The Pearly Gates Will Open (FWBC)

7 months ago

He The Pearly Gates Will Open Lyrics:

Love Di­vine, so great and won­drous,
Deep and migh­ty, pure sub­lime!
Coming from the heart of Je­sus,
Just the same through tests of time.

He the pear­ly gates will open,
So that I may en­ter in;
For He pur­chased my re­demp­tion
And for­gave me all my sin.

Like a dove when hunt­ed, fright­ened,
As a wound­ed fawn was I;
Brokenhearted, yet He healed me,
He will heed the sin­ner’s cry.

He the pear­ly gates will open,
So that I may en­ter in;
For He pur­chased my re­demp­tion
And for­gave me all my sin.

Love Di­vine, so great and won­drous,
All my sins He then for­gave!
I will sing His praise for­ev­er,
For His blood, His pow­’r to save.

He the pear­ly gates will open,
So that I may en­ter in;
For He pur­chased my re­demp­tion
And for­gave me all my sin.

In life’s ev­en­tide, at twi­light,
At His door I’ll knock and wait;
By the pre­cious love of Je­sus
I shall en­ter Hea­ven’s gate.

He the pear­ly gates will open,
So that I may en­ter in;
For He pur­chased my re­demp­tion
And for­gave me all my sin.

➤ Lyrics & Music: Fred Blom & Elsie Ahlwen
➤ Soul Stirring Songs & Hymns
➤ The audio and image are from Faithful Word Baptist Church (faithfulwordbaptist.org) [non-copyrighted].

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