Candace Owens Just Defeated Two Zionist With These Two Words

11 months ago

Candace Owens Just Defeated Two Zionist With These Two Words (Watch Before Youtube Removes It)
OpenmindedThinker Show

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46,840 views Mar 24, 2024 #candaceowens #gaza #israel
Candace Owen Just Defeated Two Zionist With These Two Words

Candace Owens has addressed the widespread speculation surrounding her departure from the platform, a move many have attributed to her recent critiques of Israel and ensuing clashes with pro-occupation advocates worldwide. Opinions vary on whether her exit was voluntary or enforced, with some interpreting it as a dismissal while others believe she chose to leave independently.

The situation has been further muddied by contradictory signals on Owens' social media channels. While her personal and podcast Twitter pages still prominently feature Dailywire branding, and many of her top-performing videos retain the Dailywire logo, there has been no official statement or acknowledgement of her departure on her podcast handle. Instead, cryptic remarks on her personal account hint at a newfound sense of freedom, possibly tied to the news of her platform

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