Upside Cash Back App Tutorial (EARN $$$ on Daily Life!)

11 months ago

Make more, save more, with less stress with Upside Cash Back App! Learn how Upside works and how we're sharing ways to make and save more money on this channel. Ready earn and save smarter with Carrie? **SUBSCRIBE for weekly videos on personal finance, earning, and saving smarter! **

Download Upside App:

Use Promo Code “OSCAR7642” to get a BONUS 25 cents per gallon cash back on your next gas fill-up!

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Upside is a platform that lets you shop as usual and earn cash back, but in a way that makes sure businesses earn too. Claim an offer and get the most value on gas, groceries, and restaurants. There’s no limit to how much you can earn, and you can even use it with other coupons, discounts, and loyalty programs.

We’re not your average cash back app. This is a win-win for you AND the store you’re buying from. So buy what you need and feel good about it. When we’re all better off, communities thrive.

00:00​ Intro
0:25​ About Upside Cash Back App + Tutorial
1:36​ How Upside Works
2:55​ Earn Cash Back on Gas
3:51​ Earn Cash Back on Groceries
4:31​ Earn Cash Back While Dining Out

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