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The Tucker Carlson Encounter: Roseanne Barr...turns out to be a very deep person.
The Tucker Carlson Encounter: Roseanne Bar
Roseanne Barr turns out to be a very deep person.
Roseanne Barr turns out to be a very deep person.
Tucker [00:00:00] This has probably happened to you every couple months or so. You look up from what you're doing, otherwise occupied feeding the dog or paying your power bill, and you look up and they'll be trying once again to make Roseanne Barr be quiet. Shut up, Roseanne Barr, you're a Nazi. You're crazy. It's not working. Roseanne Barr has been in the public eye for almost 40 years, and amazingly, she's more influential than ever. So we thought we would check in with her and see how she's doing. Roseanne Barr, how are you?
Roseanne Barr [00:00:29] I'm great, Tucker. How are you?
Tucker [00:00:31] Well, you're obviously unbowed. I can't remember where I was the other day and someone was like, Roseanne Barr is a Nazi. She's an anti-Semite. I'm thinking you probably criticize her. Probably not a Nazi or an anti-Semite.
Roseanne Barr [00:00:43] Probably not.
Roseanne Barr [00:00:54] Just like you, when it was number one. Hey, don't their shareholders wonder why they would do that?
Tucker [00:01:01] I don't know how that spooky finance stuff works.
Roseanne Barr [00:01:03] I don't either.
Tucker [00:01:05] I've still got some questions. I will say that.
Roseanne Barr [00:01:07] But did you figure out, like I did, that it's really personal.
Tucker [00:01:12] Or it's always personal. Yeah. Thing about television is everything's personal. Yeah. It's about you.
Roseanne Barr [00:01:17] Yeah.
Tucker [00:01:18] So when it's great, everyone's like, oh, you're Jesus, but when it's not so good when they're like, you're fired. Yeah, I don't take any of it personally. Thank heaven. But you get fired in this very, very public way become the center of the national debate over Trump. But you don't go away. And then all of a sudden I look up and you're everywhere. How did that happen?
Roseanne Barr [00:01:39] I don't know how it happened. I really don't.
Tucker [00:01:43] Did you expect to be doing this at this stage of your life?
Roseanne Barr [00:01:46] No. Well, I guess when I was really little, I saw myself doing something that was going to have good consequences to it. And, so anyways, this week I was like, hey, this is like when you were little and now you're doing it. It was one of those minutes where you go thank you God, because I do feel like God puts me where he wants. I mean, I'll tell you all that later, but no, I go like, hey, I'm a lady citizen journalist for my old age. Hell that's great. It's great because, you know, I love that - oh now I can't remember her name, but that one that used to interview everybody in the 50s. She had her own show, and she did the greatest interviews. I'm so stupid, I can't remember her name. Jake, check that lady out. My son.
Tucker [00:02:41] Lady in the 50s who used to interview people.
Tucker [00:03:24] Of course.
Roseanne Barr [00:03:26] And a racist. And a transphobe and whatever. A Zionist baby killer. They call me everything. And before that, when I was on the left, the right used say, but they're the same. I guess it's all the same. People play in different parts. They call me a cow. You know destroying the American dream. Man hater. You know, they've always throwing stuff at me, and none of it was ever true. But I had to live through all that gantlet of hate since I first showed up.
Tucker [00:03:56] So we have an answer your question. Is it Arlene Francis?
Roseanne Barr [00:03:58] No, not Arlene. He was good though. No, not Barbara Walters. I knew her, she was good, though. With and more support, wasn't she? No, no, she was, kind of an ugly little woman with brown hair.
Tucker [00:04:12] Okay, so an ugly little brown hair.
Roseanne Barr [00:04:15] No.
Tucker [00:04:16] Wendy. Barry. Google.
Roseanne Barr [00:04:22] The greatest interviewer, Mae Brussels. Thank you God.
Tucker [00:04:29] Mae Brussels was this, Salt Lake city stations.
Roseanne Barr [00:04:30] Yeah. My dad used to watch it.
Tucker [00:04:32] Okay.
Roseanne Barr [00:04:32] And and he'd say, this this woman has integrity. You know, my dad used to decode media for me. Yeah, because he wanted to be a comedian. So he always showed me how comedy works, and, you know, anyway. Oh, my God, I can't even focus my mind.
Tucker [00:04:48] Anyway, so you said you're a deeply religious Jew?
Roseanne Barr [00:04:52] Yeah, since I was three years old. I wrote it in my third book called Rose-anarchy. I had a conversation going with God. I wrote it in my book. You know, have little kids, have an imaginary friend? Yes. Well, mine was God. It's kind of-
Tucker [00:05:10] Choose wisely.
Roseanne Barr [00:05:11] Yeah, because that's all we studied. It was an Orthodox Jewish family. And, so that was my friend. And I talked to him when I would read and study. I wanted to know everything about it, you know, and I would talk to him and he'd always answer this in my book. I said, how come you you could solve every problem on earth? All you got to do is just wiggle your little finger and you can stop all these problems. Why can't you do that? All you have to do is wiggle your finger. Because I was suffering.
Tucker [00:05:41] Yes.
Roseanne Barr [00:05:43] And he said to me, because I don't have fingers, Roseanne. Oh, but you do. And he said, and you should be very proud of that opposable thumb that I put on that hand of yours, because now you can really get busy helping a lot of people and trying to make things right. And he always gave me the answer that I knew God would give me. He didn't ever go. Go get them. They're wrong in their religion. He didn't never say none of that. So I knew it was Ham, you know. So he told me all the time. Go over here and do this and go over there and do that. Just trust me on this. And I did that my whole life, with the exception of the few marriages that really left me up. But then I got rid of those guys and continued on the path I supposed to go on.
Tucker [00:06:35] Did you not ask for guidance on the marriages?
Roseanne Barr [00:06:40] You know, I didn't listen. Yeah. It wasn't God's fault. Yeah, he told me, but I go. I'm putting you on hold. Yeah. I got some physical business that you don't want to know about.
Tucker [00:06:53] Do you think you knew?
Roseanne Barr [00:06:54] Well, yeah.
Tucker [00:06:56] Yeah.
Roseanne Barr [00:06:57] Yeah, but it wasn't anything. I was married, so it wasn't anything bad.
Tucker [00:07:03] Right.
Roseanne Barr [00:07:03] I mean, except for that, it was horrible sex. What? You know, people should not have sex. That's one way that we can fix the world right now.
Tucker [00:07:11] Lets people stop having sex. Yes, absolutely. That's a tough one. It's hard, you know, like quitting smoking or something.
Roseanne Barr [00:07:16] I know, unless you're married and you can take care of the kids that are going to be a result of this, right? Isn't that common sense?
Tucker [00:07:24] I strongly agree.
Roseanne Barr [00:07:25] That's what I tell these young women, you know. Don't worry about them overthrowing Roe v Wade. For one, I tell to my nieces that are all Lib liberals. You don't have to worry about that. You rushed out to get the vaccine. You're never going to get pregnant. You ain't gonna have no baby. Don't even worry about it. Right.
Tucker [00:07:45] Whoa! What? You must be their favorite. On what? Well. You're sterile. You don't worry. Yeah. How do you respond?
Roseanne Barr [00:07:56] I get really mad.
Tucker [00:07:59] They never laugh.
Roseanne Barr [00:08:00] That's the thing about fascists that I found in my life. They don't like laughter and they don't like discussion.
Tucker [00:08:08] Yes.
Roseanne Barr [00:08:08] Them are the two things they hate the most. And they might be on the right and they might be on the left. But if they can't laugh their self or aren't or anything. And they can't discuss civilly with someone that they disagree with. They gotta go. They gotta move aside because it's a whole new world now, you know, because we got citizen journalists.
Tucker [00:08:32] Yes.
Roseanne Barr [00:08:33] And we have journalists such as yourself with a conscience, who care about this country and what it means and how. We have to do everything we can to save it at this late, late date.
Tucker [00:08:53] Late date.
Roseanne Barr [00:08:53] For all of us. Hello? Yes. And stop buying in the bullshit. You know, I said that to introduce the polis, the deep state bullshit.
Tucker [00:09:03] Well, actually, it's funny you mention that we have that clip. Really? Yes. Roseanne Barr, this is your life. Here you are:
Unidentified [00:09:10] Are we all fed up with the deep state bullshit? And the bullshit. We want Trump the MAGA door to kill that goddamn boy. And the bullshit cow that god damn boy.
Tucker [00:09:53] Now, I just put the political analysis on hold for two seconds. You're obviously enjoying that immensely.
Roseanne Barr [00:10:00] Oh. So fun. It was so awesome. You know, it's always fun to make people laugh and, you know, come alive.
Tucker [00:10:09] So I think even if like you didn't like Trump and you weren't going to vote for Trump, you look at that and be like, that looks like a pretty good time.
Roseanne Barr [00:10:15] Oh no, I would not-
Tucker [00:10:17] Of course I don't mean you. But like-
Roseanne Barr [00:10:19] Did not want to be doing that.
Tucker [00:10:20] Watch that. You're wearing a cowboy hat.
Roseanne Barr [00:10:21] Yeah I mean for God you did. And they didn't have the mic, so I had to stand on my tiptoes, which, you know, I can barely reach the mic, but, yeah, I swiped this hat off a guy, and, you know, I didn't like how my hair looked. Don't even like how well, my hair. You know, I cut my own hair with toenail clippers. It took me four days, but I cut a hair by hair because I was so sick of it. But yeah, yeah, of course, in the mirror. I'm not crazy.
Tucker [00:10:51] Did anyone see you do it? Oh, God.
Roseanne Barr [00:10:54] I was in a room by myself, but. No, but I loved it. And I had spent a lovely week down there at Mar a Lago. It was so awesome, and I just loved it.
Tucker [00:11:06] What do you think of Trump? The guy? You know him. Obviously. What do you think about him?
Roseanne Barr [00:11:10] Well, as I always say, he's the only guy in my Hollywood career that ever returned a favor. He's the only one who ever returned the favor and gave me back more than I had given him up. I think he has such integrity. I think he's like me a lot. He said he tried to be funny, and he is really funny. Yeah, the guys are really funny. He's got great timing and-
Tucker [00:11:38] I see.
Roseanne Barr [00:11:39] You know, we all laugh. I mean, we all think he's funny.
Tucker [00:11:43] What favor, he returned?
Roseanne Barr [00:11:44] Well, you know, I did. I was doing my, I think it was my second or third HBO special. Stand up special. And, you know, I always wait until the last minute. You know. So, anyway-
Tucker [00:11:59] To write it?
Roseanne Barr [00:12:00] Yeah.
Tucker [00:12:01] Oh.
Roseanne Barr [00:12:01] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's bad because I can't unless I'm in a panic, I can't write. I know it's you know what I mean?
Tucker [00:12:08] Oh, I-
Roseanne Barr [00:12:11] Unless all that chemical panic.
Tucker [00:12:14] Yeah.
Roseanne Barr [00:12:15] It kicks in. My brain doesn't function well. Yeah. When-
Tucker [00:12:19] Unless you're running from a bear, you don't run fast.
Roseanne Barr [00:12:21] Yeah. That's exactly. Hello. Oh, that reminds her of bass joke. My dad told me. But I'll say that. But I'll tell you after about the running from the bear. What are we talking about?
Tucker [00:12:34] Tell me about when you first met Trump. You're doing your HBO special.
Roseanne Barr [00:12:36] Oh, no, that isn't when I first met him, but he let me film it at Trump. New Jersey, what's that called? Atlantic.
Tucker [00:12:42] Atlantic city. Yeah.
Roseanne Barr [00:12:43] And not only that, but he drove me out in his Packard on stage. He drove me out in his Packard, got out and escorted me to the microphone, which was so lovely because my second special. I did it as a has been. Who's coming back? Yes. And the. Oh, my God, did they hate that? I got sued by every single casino in the world and had to give them back all the money, because it was when I got really famous after my first HBO special. And so my second one, I thought it would be really funny to come back and be a failed diva. Kind of like really prophetic like it is now and go, when I went to rehab, you know, my, I say I was injured, I was thrown off a horse while making National Velvet and my doctor prescribed crack, and I had all this time. But then I went to rehab. I didn't really want to go, but my publicist said it would help my comeback, and it was that kind of thing. And then, like, I watched Barbra Streisand one voice. She did this concert in her backyard where she charged all of Hollywood, something like $10,000 to come in her backyard, watch her. And I did her act word for word because it was the greatest thing any entertainers ever done. I never thought I'd. Ever sing in public again. But then again. Now she goes like this. I could never imagine myself singing in public again. But then again, I could never imagine the possibility of nuclear winter.
Tucker [00:14:19] She-
Roseanne Barr [00:14:20] Actually said that. And so I did it, you know.
Tucker [00:14:23] But she wasn't kidding.
Roseanne Barr [00:14:24] No, she wasn't kidding. Do you not kidding a little bit. She's deeply serious about what she says. You know, she's she just, you know, just been in a bubble for far too long.
Tucker [00:14:36] Yes.
Roseanne Barr [00:14:37] She she needs to go. She. You know, I never was in a bubble. Like I say, even though I was. Very much in a bubble in my own family. I lived in Salt Lake City, Utah. We were Jews in Salt Lake. So with my joke, we stuck out like a sore thumb in that town because we only had the one mother so that-
Tucker [00:15:01] I remember you were Jews in Salt Lake City. Jews in a mormon state selling Catholic religious icons. Yeah, something like that.
Roseanne Barr [00:15:10] Yeah, yeah. My dad and grandpa, they sold pictures. 3D pictures of Jesus, to the, our Mexican neighbors. And they'd get $2 on welfare pay day. I'd go knock on the door and get the $2 on welfare payday. We were on welfare, too, but, you know, so it was handy that lived in the neighborhood where you're selling the the, pictures. But they were, like, the size of a little girl. And it was just like this with his arms out, so nice and blond and everything. And then when you took two steps, he's crucified. And I used to go through that room like, added to my PTSD.
Tucker [00:15:47] Oh, did they keep the. Yeah. They in the house.
Roseanne Barr [00:15:50] Yeah. Because, well, I like two rooms. So they stacked around the, you know, walls there.
Tucker [00:15:58] It's not your average childhood.
Roseanne Barr [00:16:00] It's not your average childhood. I was always a stranger in a strange land, but it gave me a unique perspective. And God gave me a unique perspective. Like he was talking to me today. He's like, Roseanne, have you noticed what a gift I've given you by putting you in your lifetime to be alive? In a world where the jokes just write themselves and I go, I'm grateful. Thank you. Because I do.
Tucker [00:16:28] Oh, yeah. It's never been perfect. Yes. Perfect. And you're enjoying, like things. You're collapsing, but you're enjoying it.
Roseanne Barr [00:16:36] But like you like Virginia Woolf said, the job of the writer is to put the severed parts together, you know, create the clear picture for the viewer or the reader. That's what you do, too. So you know exactly what I'm talking about. How fun is it to put those parts together? And, you know, those two wires have never gone together, never been allowed to go together, and they just start a friggin huge one. Spark sets the whole woods on fire. You know, we're seeing it. We're seeing people go, wow, I've been lied to my whole life. Every day.
Tucker [00:17:11] Is it? So what about the people you work with for so many years in the entertainment business, or any of them coming to these conclusions?
Roseanne Barr [00:17:18] Oh, no, I don't think so. But, you know, once you're in that bubble. The bubble of show business or whatever bubble it is your little secret society or club. You don't never come out of it. You got to walk out like Egypt, like the Jews in Egypt. If you're not going to leave Egypt, you're never going to know what's beyond it, you know. And two thirds of the Jews, the Israelite tribes, they don't want to leave slavery. They had to be forced to leave. Yes. So that's how it is. So people that are like, able to still laugh and think and put severed parts together and get a clear picture are very needed now. And, you know, I'm praying that it will expand ever more so with. The things that are coming out in the news, but they do try to hide the news on the news. The news is to hide the news, you know.
Tucker [00:18:18] I've noticed.
Roseanne Barr [00:18:19] Yeah. So this whole.
Tucker [00:18:21] Sinister lot is to tell the truth.
Roseanne Barr [00:18:23] Yeah. That's what you're punished for in a world of lies that the truth is seen as. I can't remember how that thing goes. The truth is seen as only crime. Yeah.
Tucker [00:18:34] So where. So you've been on the road with Trump. You were at that rally in Florida. Where do you see that going for him? Do you think he's going to win?
Roseanne Barr [00:18:47] I don't know, it. It seems. Of course I want that to happen. But then when you get on Twitter or any of those social media things, you know, where everybody is paid to lie.
Tucker [00:18:58] Yeah.
Roseanne Barr [00:19:00] And, you know, I saw it happening on Facebook a million years ago. I saw. All of this my whole life. I was raised in an apartment with survivors from Auschwitz. And I always knew it would come here because it always goes everywhere. And, it's a virus. And, you know, I see people in the streets repeating Nazi slogans that they don't even know come from the Nazis. Yeah, I've seen it my whole life. And I do think Trump is. The anti Hitler, even though Hillary says he's the Hitler Hitler. But I mean, that one is amazing, isn't it? How? They use the reversal and the mirror image? Yes. As they lock up. As they use the judicial system to persecute their opponent legally, and they make up these fake attorney general lawsuits that don't even have a victim.
Tucker [00:20:16] Letitia James. Yes.
Roseanne Barr [00:20:17] Who's seen as a civil rights worker or something. Abuse the law to that point. Allow no jury. I mean, it's just so terrifying to me as a Jewish American and and that that's allowed and that the press honks it up. You know, they just honk it up. Crank it up. We got to keep this going. We got a lot of people to divide and get hating on each other, which is why I came back to television. I didn't want them to do this because I know where it leads. Well, it starts with the Jews. Doesn't end with the Jews. The Jews are just the convenient canary in the coal mine. You know, because I know, you know, a lot of people don't like us. And, you know, there's a lot of reasons they don't want you got names like Epstein, Weinstein, Blinken, people that are like, you know, Yellen, people that are like on the side of against. The American taxpayer, for God's sake. Soros. Kissinger. I can name a ton of them. And, like I say in my act. Just because a very little sizable portion of our people are horrible fucking people. Please don't hold us all to that. But. But, you know, it's embarrassing. And then they're the ones calling me an anti-Semite. But they didn't stick up for me when I said the Iran deal was an existential threat to Israel. In so many words, in the Captcha captioning of a meme during a three month conversation about the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Iran, and the United States. Nobody Jewish stuck up for me because I'm a Nazi. Because I like Trump. And why do I like Trump? Because Trump. Understands the Jewish people, and we owe a deep debt of gratitude to him for that. And that is why I myself and my mother is a lifelong Democrat. Unbelievably, also loves Trump. That's a minor miracle right there, buddy. Yeah, because she finally saw what the Iran deal is really about. And so she can't vote Democrat ever again at age 90.
Tucker [00:22:48] What is, pardon my ignorance. I mean, I watched this happen. I knew some of the people involved in it, but I never really understood what the Iran deal is about.
Roseanne Barr [00:22:58] Well, it's about what just happened in Israel on October 7th. That's what it's about in shorthand. They unleashed a, remember in the movie Planet of the Apes?
Tucker [00:23:10] Yes.
Roseanne Barr [00:23:10] Where they went after all the human beings who could read. They didn't even think they could talk. But they feared they might be able to talk. So all those militarized, beings like in Star Wars, came and beat down and locked those people in cages. The human beings in the movie Planet of the Apes, which was written by Rod Serling and was actually a movie about Nazi Germany and the Jews. So that was the reference I used in my tweet. But, you know, you kind of have to have. A, sort of a. A certain historical vantage point to understand that I was saying that which they lack in Hollywood. Yes. Because all all they are is we want a woman. We want a woman. We want this skin tone because our fetishists. Care nothing for our republic. Our way of life. Our constitutional republic. Which people have laid their lives down for for decades. I've seen it for seven decades. People have laid their lives down for that, and then they go about talking what's American? And it makes me sick when they say they might save our democracy. Well, democracy isn't burning down cities, okay? Democracy and forget that word because that's means mob rule. But. The heart of America. We keep being denied to see the real Americans, the heroes of America and I. I see him now because everywhere I go, I see him. Those are the people that those nurses say. Those are nurses and doctors that you know. Refused to go along. Those brave people in our armed forces who. Were kicked out because they they understood that no government, least of all this one, has the right to force, untested drugs on a captive population because that's nothing but fascism, Fascism and Hitlerism and Nazism and Stalinism all mixed together because, you know, this is exactly what Hitler would be like if we had computers. That's what we're living in. And now we got artificial intelligence where they're going to recreate people's lives using artificial intelligence for their movies. So nobody's even going to have a right to their own life story. They'll steal everybody's life story. It's so horrible. And, it's like, I feel like it's 99% sewed up, you know? I don't know if this is the end of the world. Looks like it to me.
Tucker [00:26:24] Have you got about that?
Roseanne Barr [00:26:25] Well, like I told my son, I don't really give a damn because I'll die my way out of it. Hahaha. But y'all have to deal with it. But here's the good news that this what I want to say. And I know you care. In the Torah, it says that 99% of this world is just physical. It's that 1% that matters. So I think that 1% is the one they can't factor in because they don't know what it is. They don't got it. But we do. And that's the 1% that. Is where all wars are decided and won and lost. That's God. So I just invite people to pray with me and pray themselves in their own words. Not by rote, not by prayers they've already heard, but in their own words that we. Because I know we do have the power of spirit together to make this whole stop and change it. I know we can do it. I just wish other people would know that too. I did it in my life. From a real low point. Let myself give myself permission to believe. I guess that's it. Gave myself permission to connect and believe and walk in. To do what I believed to walk in my, I don't know what you call it. Just to say what to live, what I say I believe to actually believe it and then live it. It's pretty amazing and it's transformative.
Tucker [00:28:25] How do you feel different now that you've done that?
Roseanne Barr [00:28:28] Well, I first did it in 1999 because I saw this all coming, you know, because I always everyone says I'm, you know, they got all these mental illness things for it, but really. I just found a safe place in my side myself that was connected to God at a young age. You know, it's a relationship. I don't know. I just, like, have been walking deeply with my God for a long, long time. And, you know, I gave myself, I gave myself, well, like, well, you know, if don't matter, I just want to be all in for America. I want to be all in for the United States of America, because this is where my family would have died if they didn't get here. And I saw that my whole life as a child, they would be dead. And I never would have been born if they didn't have an America. I wanted to be here for.
Tucker [00:29:41] I do too.
Roseanne Barr [00:29:42] I know you do.
Tucker [00:29:43] I do. You spend a lot of time in Hawaii.
Roseanne Barr [00:29:48] I haven't been back in a year since I went on that Fox deal. You know, I was doing that Fox deal. That was January 6th, a couple of years back when I was going to come do that special.
Tucker [00:29:59] Yeah.
Roseanne Barr [00:29:59] So I moved to Texas December 5th and started working on my act. Talk about. Wait until the last minute. But I haven't been back in Hawaii since then.
Tucker [00:30:13] So, I mean, you haven't been there since the fires.
Roseanne Barr [00:30:16] No. They happen on another island.
Tucker [00:30:18] Yeah. Not the one you live on.
Roseanne Barr [00:30:20] Yeah, they happened on on, in Lahaina, behind the-
Tucker [00:30:24] What was that?
Roseanne Barr [00:30:26] Oh my God. Honestly, I feel that they target. They feel they target certain populations. They don't like anybody that has a direct connection to their sacred ground. I think it has a lot to do with October 7th. Also, that they don't like the people to live above their sacred ground in their, sacred ancestors, either because, you know, they might be able to put up a hotel there, for crying out loud. And people are nothing but useless eaters. And, you know, there are a bunch of, Bible clangers and gun toting and despicable or deplorables, whatever she called this.
Tucker [00:31:14] Yeah.
Roseanne Barr [00:31:15] And, you know, they're just in the way. And then they bring out Oprah. You get $700 and you get $700 and you get 700. You know, it's just it's just part of it. And, is that it? Nothing has been done for them.
Tucker [00:31:30] Is that a criticism of Oprah? Because I don't I don't know that we're allowed to do that.
Roseanne Barr [00:31:33] No, no. Yeah, it is, because it was just. Oh my God. Yeah, it was an attack on the Hawaiian people, and that's. Something that's very meaningful to me too. When I went to Hawaii, I always. I won't even go into that. But yeah, they haven't done nothing. They're moving a lot of those people from Lahaina onto my island. Now, our big island, they're putting them in Hilo. That's a war crime, in my opinion. But thereafter every tribal people, if you noticed that, have oil under them, or a place where they can put a 15 minute smart city or, you know, a place where they can have a pipeline, they they don't like people that are connected to the Earth by ancestral ancestry. That's all a bunch of crap they read in their old books. Let's say we aren't supposed to be able to have sex with kids. In short.
Tucker [00:32:38] Sure. So. Last question. Do you see? That's the maybe the greatest summary I've heard in a long. Thank you. Yeah.
Roseanne Barr [00:32:53] Did you hear my other one? I said it to Dinesh D'Souza. Obama-Maoism.
Tucker [00:32:59] Obama-Maoism. I like that. Do you think Obama is behind all this?
Roseanne Barr [00:33:02] Of course. Duh.
Tucker [00:33:05] Yeah. Dumb question.
Roseanne Barr [00:33:05] In himself. Also, I need his old sock puppet upstairs so I can sit down here in the basement and do what I do best dropping bombs on people and drone them and, you know, getting richer. He's the richest president we've ever had. People don't even know that. They don't know Lolo Sotoro cofounded Halliburton with the Bush family. Did you know that? What else did you want to ask me? You were going to have.
Tucker [00:33:33] No, I, I guess I'll end with this. Tell us the bear joke from your father.
Roseanne Barr [00:33:41] See if I can remember correctly. On. This guy's telling a guy who lives in the woods the other day hunting and a bear come at me, and he started chasing me, and, oh, I was running. And, you know, I run up a tree to get away from him. My God, the bear comes up after me. So I've been jump out of the tree and run, and I see a little crick there. So I run across the creek because I think he'll lose my scent, you know, in the water. But hell no. He comes across the water, he's up there and he's got me up against, barrel. Hey there. And, oh, I just shit my pants. And the guy goes, well, I would have shit my pants, too if a bear was on me like that. The guy goes, oh, no, not then and just now. I should have my.
Tucker [00:34:28] Your father told you that?
Roseanne Barr [00:34:30] Yeah.
Tucker [00:34:31] How old were you when he told you that?
Roseanne Barr [00:34:36] That's one of his good ones.
Tucker [00:34:37] Do you ever have I you hear from.
Roseanne Barr [00:34:39] Oh, I got so many home movies when I said, daddy, how come Santa Claus don't come to our house like he does all the neighbor kids when I was just little? Because Santa Claus hates the Jews. So I can be no other way than this.
Tucker [00:34:56] You know what I'm saying? It's wonderful to see you so wonderful. And I know, I know, probably next week or the week after, they're going to try and shut you down again, but I think it's going to work.
Roseanne Barr [00:35:05] Well, I, I'm just all about God now and preaching the gospel from the Torah. And I'm going to tell everybody if they don't start repenting, they're going straight to hell. That's what I feel like I was born to do. You know how Trump says he's been preparing his whole life for this fight? So my. I feel that about myself.
Tucker [00:35:25] I think you people, you may be onto something.
Roseanne Barr [00:35:27] They're people. They need to look inside and straighten up their own life and stop blaming Jews and anybody else. That's my message.
Tucker [00:35:39] And the old books tell you that you can't touch kids.
Roseanne Barr [00:35:41] Yeah. And the old books also tell us that. I'm serious when I say this that God has damned on this earth. Anyone that is involved in any way that purposely hurts children, God has damned them all and it's time to say it.
Tucker [00:36:01] Amen. Thank you.
Roseanne Barr [00:36:02] Thank you.
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