CIA Officer Ralph McGehee Exposing the Real Purpose of the CIA

6 months ago

This Is CIA Officer Ralph McGehee Exposing That The Real Purpose Of The CIA Is To Overthrow Governments & Spread Misinformation, Even Against Americans

“Many of us do not have a clear picture of what the CIA does”

“The CIA is not an intelligence agency. It's a corporate action agency. Covert action being, overthrowing or supporting foreign governments. Another part of covert action is disinformation. And the, American people, in my estimation, are the primary target audience of the agency's disinformation operation.”

Interviewer “Well, that had to be done, of course, through the press. Yes. How else would one reach the American what is the objective of the CIA when they put out disinformation? When they, you might say, co opt the press.”

Ralph McGehee “To create an international anti communist ideology. What's my thesis? The reason you wanna create this an international anti chemist ideology is so that when you go down to Nicaragua and you wanna overthrow the government of Nicaragua, well, you have to you can't justify to the American people going down there and overthrowing that government unless you can link it to a greater threat. It's just a little insignificant nation.”

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