Panel discussion: Top Ten red flags we are living in a prison planet, a loosh farm system! DTV

11 months ago

Panel discussion: Top Ten red flags we are living in a prison planet, a loosh farm system! DTV

Sherry Swiney, Judith Kwoba, James Bartley and Wayne McRoy Jr. were my guests, in this 33rd show (oops) on DTV, Dimensions TV & the CoronaX-Files series!

Sunday March 24 2024

The idea behind this roundtable panel was to be able to discuss on the show one of Wayne Bush’s latest articles, he was helped by Julie McVey. The article is named « TOP TEN RED FLAGS WE ARE IN A PRISON PLANET/LOOSH FARM SYSTEM »
An article written by Wayne Bush and Julie McVey edited on January 30, 2024. They have identified the top ten red flags and anomalies indicating the physical (and astral) planes are a prison planet and/or loosh farm, i.e. energy derived from emotional output. On Earth we already have prisons and farms, plus animals that use deception to manipulate their victims. So, a precedent has already been set. This is not some new science fiction idea we are talking about.
A real awakening means realizing the extent of the enslavement of the people of this Earth for centuries and centuries!

Our topics of discussion:
Spiritual hierarchies, negativity being fed to us all the time to keep mankind polarized, we were trying to gather and discuss the various perspectives on the puzzle pieces we each have regarding what the power structures are that are vampirizing us, triggering, stealing and producing this loosh energy from us. What is this negative energy that seems to be driving our life force from us ?
My guests :
Sherry Swiney in Kentucky:
As a young woman, Sherry was plagued by dark side entities. She was able to eliminate them from her life without help from psychologists or psychiatrists, and without taking their toxic drugs. Today, she helps others learn how to do what she did to free herself. Her article “THE THAT’S A LIE PROGRAM” explains the method.
Sherry Swiney has a bachelor’s degree in Business. She studied Civil Engineering in college for two years. She is self-taught in the field of quantum physics. For over 30 years she worked in the corporate world as a construction engineer and contracts manager on major construction projects across the United States.

Judith Kwoba in Germany :
Judith Kwoba of The Night Flight YouTube Channel is based in Germany, in the E.U., she has been hosting many shows and was invited on James Bartley’s channel the Cosmic Switchboard recently, where she’s talked about Soul-less Humans, Human Drones, and ways and means we can overcome this on a personal level.

James Bartley in Australia:
James Bartley is an Internationally Renowned UFO Researcher who has had numerous ET Encounters and UFO Sightings.
James has investigated UFOs and Alien Abductions for over thirty years. James has conducted an in-depth investigation into all aspects of the Reptilian Overlordship.
James also investigates the activities of other ET races such as the Mantis Beings, Insectoids and the various factions of the Greys. James has also investigated Military Abductions and the Deep Black Military – Aerospace Ops involving ETs.
His podcast is called The Cosmic Switchboard Show and has featured interviews with many of the top investigators in the UFO and Conspiracy Fields.
James co-facilitated support groups for Alien Abductees and Military Abductees (Milabs.)

Wayne McRoy Jr. in Pennsylvania:
Wayne is an Author and Researcher, he already published 2 books. Wayne McRoy – « We must stand together, speak up, and remove our consent from their system, their system that seeks to enslave us, use and abuse us, their eugenics-based transhumanist system. »
His channels and shows :
Alchemical Tech Revolution
Secrets of Saturn

My shows on DTV Dimensions TV :

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