Digital Currency & Digital ID. The future of Money

11 months ago

#cbdc #digitalcurrency #digitalidentity #digitalrupee #solarflare #revelations #TRENDAMONIUM
Another way the Governments and capitalist will be tracking all of mankind is with digital currency. Its already here. Multiple countries are already using it! Come take a look at the many things we should be considering.

Topics that matter examined in opinion only conversations by the left and right sides in debate style discussions; highlighting the pandemic, parental rights, digital currency, legalized marijuana, and more.
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**** PARENTS vs GOVERNMENT **** ( )
Will the government keep passing laws that take away parent's rights to raise their children? Schools are keeping secrets and parents are going to jail for their children's mistakes. How far will it go? Take a look at these controversial issues because, IT MATTERS.

**** PANDEMIC vs PLAN-DEMIC **** ( )
2020 Pandemic vs Plan-demic Debate. Did the officials responsible take the appropriate measures to help the public or was this something so much more.
A intriguing arguement that needs to be looked at again.

It Matters. Dumbing Us with Mindless Cellphone games. Legalizing Marijuana. Slowing our growth without our knowing. . Forty year olds are sitting in front of the tv watching cartoons like they did on Saturday mornings when they were seven. We're listening to music we heard for the first time when we were fifteen. We play no brainer games on our phones for hours without even realizing how much time has passed. The truth is they've turned us into sheep and they're the shepherds leading us into something we can never come back from.

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