What The Vaxxed Will Transform Into Part I: The Dream

6 months ago

This clip was taken from Gezel's prophetic YouTube video channel. It was originally titled "Gelzel - I asked God for confirmation about the V.a.x if it is the mark of the beast this is what I was given". It was posted in mid-2021 but YouTube quickly took it down. Luckily, I saved a copy of it. Enjoy it!
This video is about the end result of those who foolishly and ignorantly continue to take the C19 mRNA vaccines and any future plandemic vaccines. The mRNA DNA changing technology combined with the A.I nano-technologies (with 5G activation) that are in these vaccines will eventually transform the vaxxed who have not died from the vaccine side-effetcs into A.I Transhuman-Cyborg Genetically Modified Mutant-Hybrids that are violent, aggressive, animalistic, savage, super-fast, super-strong, raging zombie monsters! You have been warned!
Folks, many have been deceived, lied to and tricked by the mass-media, government officials, the drug companies, CDC, FDA, WHO, etc, to take these self-spreading C19 depopulation bioweapon clot-shots disguised as "safe and effective vaccines". These C19 shots are designed to do two things - mass depopulation and transhumanism.

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