Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Federal Foreign Corporation Stealing our Land

10 months ago

Watch this video and try to understand how our land has been invaded by foreign corporations, stealing our land. 28 USC sec 3002 p15A: United States
(15) “United States” means— (A) a Federal corporation | And the federal corporation is located in D.C only. It does not exist outside of D.C.
UCC(Uniform Commercial Code) - 9-307(h): (h) [Location of United States.] The United States is located in the District of Columbia. | This federal Corporation exists ONLY D.C! | | scroll down to paragraph (h)
Please stop falling into their trap. YOU are not a U.S. citizen, according to the 14th Amendment, unless you reside in D.C. or another foreign territory like Puerto Rico. This is how they claim jurisdiction over you and fool into thinking you have to pay "federal income tax", for one example:

This illegal alien "invasion" at the border is a HUGE distraction. The foreign federal corporation posing as our "government" needs your attention elsewhere. Too many people are waking up to the fact that our "federal govt" is a foreign occupying force that took over in 1871. We have had these foreign invaders in our country since then. The Act of 1871 usurped our organic constitution from 1794 to a civil corporate constitution adding the 14th Amendment making anyone who resides in the D.C. a United States "citizen". We are NOT "citizens". We make up the self governing body of We The People of the United States of America. We were brainwashed in "school" and never taught the truth. The federal corporation does not exist outside of the District of Columbia. Every state is it's own country with a state legislature body, a governor(President is you will), and self governing local bodies below them. We have 50 countries and ONE federal foreign corporation in D.C. who has NO jurisdiction over any of us, unless we GIVE it to them. Legal definitions from United States code and the Uniform Commercial Code are above. (15) “United States” means— (A) a Federal corporation. UCC(Uniform Commercial Code) - 9-307(h): (h) [Location of United States.] The United States is located in the District of Columbia. THIS is the beginning of your re-education that ALL of us need to understand if we are going to take back our Republic. Stop calling it a democracy! These foreign corporations posing as our "govt" is a FICTION. They are not real.

This is the topic we should all be paying attention to and trying to understand as it is cloaked in legal language and can be difficult to understand. The more you read, the more you understand. The more you watch, the more you understand. Everything else is irrelevant in the bigger picture as this IS the bigger picture. If we can take back our Republic then everything else fixes itself. The President of the United States is nothing more than the CEO of the federal corporation. And the share holders of any corporation have the power to APPOINT anyone they please to be CEO, do they not? This is how we have all of the "election fraud" happening all over the country. It's been happening for many decades. This is how the foreign shareholder invaders of the corporation of the United Sates maintain control of whom they appoint to be the CEO of this federal corporation posing as our govt. They are illegitimate, and a FICTION!

This FICTION has filtered down over time to all local bodies of "govt". They are no different than the federal corporate fiction posing as our fed "govt".

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