Flat Cat Slides Underneath Door

6 years ago

Cats are a resourceful bunch for sure. They are not easily deterred by barriers of any kind, be they figurative, emotional or physical. What am I saying— emotional barriers for cats? That would imply they had self-doubt, or any type of self-awareness besides total and utter unabashed confidence in their abilities. Anyone who’s ever been around cats knows their modus operandi: they see, they calculate, they go.

A cat on the other side of the door wants to get through. She can’t reach the doorknob, but something tells me that’s not stopping her.

I only say this just about every time I write one of these blogs, but this is truly a sight to behold. First, the paws test the water, so to speak; she clearly needs to feel out the situation so she knows what she’s getting herself into. Then the head wiggles under.

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