First Fruits

11 months ago

We celebrate what most of the world calls Easter or some called resurrection Sunday. I happen to call first verse but that's for a different time. The fact that Jesus rose from the dead is essential to the Christian faith. If he did not raise from the dead then our faith is in vain and the scripture says that. There are a number of people who have witnessed the resurrection of Jesus. The Apostle Paul outlines how many different appearances plus others and as well as over 500 people saw Jesus. We have this tendency that Jesus rose from the dead, appeared for a little while, then left. In reality he rose and was around the earth for 40 days before he ascended. Of all the various accounts of his resurrection we're going to take a look at one of my very favorite accounts. That's about two men who are traveling on a road from Jerusalem to Emmaus. We'll see and discuss their experience.

Proclamation of the Word
Message by Pastor Joe

Sermon Notes
Luke 24:13 & 14 2 men were walking and talking about what had happened in Jerusalem
Luke 24:15 – 24 Jesus comes and joins in their discussion, but they are prevented from recognizing Him
Luke 24:25 – 27 Jesus explains what has happened and taught them the Scriptures
Luke 24:28 – 31 Jesus eats with them and as He breaks bread they recognize Him and He vanished
Luke 24:32 The men state “Didn’t our hearts burn as He was speaking and teaching the Scriptures
Luke 24:33 – 35 They go back to Jerusalem and relate what they saw and witness to them that Jesus actual rose from the dead

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