The Shadow World Government False Flag...

10 months ago

In the 2020 film TENET, a terrorist attack was simulated in the same theater in Russia where the Moscow Shootings claimed by Isis took place today. They always tell us the plan in Movies, and lie to us through their Main-stream-Media worldwide. The `war` between Russia and Ukraine is a staged war game Event. The shadow world government controls all world leaders including Putin. Remember the shadow world government had All governments worldwide co-ordinating the Plannedemic. From Russia to Iran to Australia people were locked down, forced to wear masks, and bullied into getting jabbed. Then they worked together to Digitalize society worldwide. To distract people from the ramifications of the Covid plannedemic, they organized the Russia war, then the israeli genocide. People are starting to wake up , so they organized this event in Russia. If the Russia -Ukraine war was real, Russia would have killed Zelensky years ago and would have bombed Ukraine to shit. But it isn`t a real war, it`s only real for the cameras, every now and again they show the wreck of a drone which landed somewhere in Ukraine, or some ship burning in Crimea. Their plan is to escalate some sort of military drill, which would involve Russia and some puppet from the West, probably France or Germany. They need to crash the economies of the world, why? So they can instigate the last part of their plan- the Digital Currency. All governments are working together, the shadow world government controls all the so called `leaders` in Europe, UK, USA, Russia and China, but they don`t control the ordinary people yet. How will they get control of the people? By frightening them with threats of war, frightening them with plannedemics, and lastly with False Flags. They said the israeli genocide would start ww3, but it hasn`t. They`re saying this latest event in Russia `might` start ww3 , but it won`t. It`s just to keep people worldwide living in fear, keep them afraid, keep them nervous, so they can bring in the Digital Currency worldwide, then it`s game over for freedom.

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