Gardens of Armida

11 months ago

Gardens of Armida lyrics:

Gardens of Armida,
She offered me shelter;
Weary solitude for hidden helter skelter
I woke up tangled in her vines

I broke free,but then
She summoned me with a grin
I sensed the lie but had to taste again
The euphoria of her wine

Gardens of Armida
I've known but a few
Restore me in the vault of creative solitude
To cultivate my roots in it's underground Vein

Never far from fools drunk on piety,
Drooling in their born again virginity,
Dethroning the goddess - weapons Unsheathed, and sharpened by their Shame

Gardens of Armida, glimmer of paradise
Moisture of her vineyard fails not to entice
Deserters of the battle, with it's shrapnel
In their hearts

Her hummingbirds stay active for the Nectar she provides
She will hold you captive beneath the Grapes of your own vice,
If you keep warm the saddle of
Her affections
... And her art

written by Ryan P Rohn

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