Art Thou Weary, Art Thou Languid? (FWBC)

8 months ago

Art Thou Weary, Art Thou Languid? Lyrics:

Art thou weary, art thou languid,
Art thou sore distressed?
“Come to Me,” saith One, “and coming, Be at rest."

Hath He marks to lead me to Him,
if He be my guide?
In His feet and hands are wound-prints,
And His side.

Is there diadem, as Monarch,
That His brow adorns?
Yea, a crown, in very surety,
But of thorns.

If I ask Him to receive me,
Will He say me nay?
Not till earth, and not till Heaven
Pass away.

Finding, foll’wing, keeping, struggling,
Is He sure to bless?
Saints, apostles, prophets, martyrs,
Answer, “Yes.”

➤ Lyrics & Music: John M. Neale & Henry W. Baker
➤ Soul Stirring Songs & Hymns
➤ The audio and image are from Faithful Word Baptist Church ( [non-copyrighted].

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