Cael Sanderson - Greatest coach of all time - listen to his principles

10 months ago

He creates an atmosphere where great athletes reach their potential. No fear of losing, no making mountains out of molehills, putting sports and competition into real life perspective.

Personally, my failing at wrestling in my early years made me a very determined young man. After high school and then dropping out of Penn State after 1 year I made the permanent life decision to “never quit on myself again”

Failure taught me much about life. You cannot be afraid to fail. No one is ever great at anything that is afraid to fail. Life is short and we all need to chase our dreams to the fullest.

As a redeemed son of the Most High, by virtue of my faith in Jesus Christ, I realize no matter how hard it gets here in this life my life will get much better once I leave this earth, I know this fact beyond a shadow of a doubt. I know I will be rewarded by My Lord forever and I will reign with Him forever once I breathe my last breathe.

Earthly trinkets like National championships and Olympic gold medals are momentary blessings; they do open the door to proclaim the power of His Resurrection life for all those who have laid hold of Him for eternal life.

As we enter the Easter season, a season where the entire world celebrates this historical reality of His death and resurrection, every human is forced to ponder these realities of what Jesus did when He rose again from the grave.

Perfect love casts out all fear. Jesus saw what He was doing for humanity long before He did the greatest work ever done in this earth, Jesus did this great work for all humans because He set the goal of eternal joy in the front His mind while He was suffering incredible pain.

So for the joy set before Him He endured the cross despising its shame.

These great young wrestlers endured suffering on every level of physical and emotional existence to gain the fleeting glory of a gold medal, an earthly prize, so for any human today who holds on by faith all the way to death receives the Crown of Life.

No greater honor or award than the crown of life.

Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.

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