The T’s of Marriage Ismail ibn Musa Menk

6 months ago

“If you want your marriage to be to the tee, here are some of the Ts to watch:

Taqwa (consciousness) of the Almighty
Trust one another. Don’t give reason to mistrust
Time spent with one another maximised. Don’t be late to come home unnecessarily
Tongue must be used to say the kindest words. Never vulgar or abusive
Talk to one another & communicate properly
Temper must always be controlled
Truthfulness never to be compromised
Tolerance of the differences here and there
Thanks & gratitude must be shown clearly and repeated verbally
Thoughtfulness & Tact in your actions & words especially when correcting one another
Troublemakers should never be a part of your friends.
Technology must be used to enhance your marriage, not to break it as many do
Tea and meals at home with family – absolutely priceless
Tahajjud (prayer) adds great value & spirituality whilst protecting from Satan”

Light Of Islam

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