Kulture 20. Footage from our first Live gig at Maldon

11 months ago

The 8:32 Gathering at Maldon was the first time several of the Kulture Artists had met.

Ben Antoniadis, Len Hawco, Mark Moose Henderson, Arianne Lee and Daniel Hutchinson

A Call To Arts
To be a resistance fighter in Australia now, you don’t have own a gun, or have any explosives training, you just need to have the courage to speak. Too shrug off fear, and not only ignore the trolls, but let them inspire you to help create and or heal our culture. And what a gift that duty and journey is, to be apart of a leadership army whose communal goal is to guide our world towards a healthier environment for humans beings.
I am not a politician, nor a scientist, I am an Artist and that is what we are after now, Artist who want to use their gifts and the contents of their souls to join the fight against fear.
If you have work you’d like to share contact us a culture.cafelockedout@gmail.com

Join The Kulture Army as a Supporter
Every time you buy a song you get 4 things

1: You support a brave artist
2: You support Cafe Locked Out
3: You get to own a great song
4: You get to flip the bird at those who are seeking to control us

Buy his song here https://bsta.rs/hE7kFR
During the lockdowns the churches were locked and when they opened the flock was segregated.

Since then many talk of this being a spiritual war. This song beautifully asks God questions.

KULTURE; a Community of Liberated Artists creating powerful, free work from the front line.

The Song is $5.00
$3. goes to the Artist.
$2 to supporting Kulture and Cafe Locked Out.

Purchase the song here https://bsta.rs/hE7kFR

Cafe Locked Out is an Australian based Free Speech Platform and Defender of Art.

"Art is the soul's self-healing tool, but it can only heal if the artists is free." ~Michael Gray Griffith

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