All You Need To Know About The Stickers On Products You Purchase

6 years ago

At least once a week we all have a tendency and the need to hit the local supermarket for fresh groceries. Whether it is fruit or vegetables we buy we don't really consider what we are buying nor do we look into the product just a step further. Do you happen to know those stickers that are stuck onto whether it is an apple or an orange or a lemon. For the most of us those sticker might represent the distributor and as we all know are not eatable so we quickly tear them off so we can enjoy whatever it is that we have chosen to eat.

Well, even though these sticker do have their distributors name on it, they also consist of a code which signifies whether or not these eatables are all natural or have been genetically modified. What this means is that in the genetically modified food they use chemicals to induce the size of the food, whether fruit or vegetable, and take it out of harms way from pesticides and other organisms that eat away at it and make it rotten which lead to the farmer loosing money.

Now, this guys have created a simple video from which you can learn all you need to know about the product you are buying. You know those stickers on your apples and bananas? They tell us more than what type of orange you're buying; they also clue you in to how your produce was grown.

Take a look as you are bound to learn a lot more than you know now concerning the products you buy. Enjoy!

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