do not trust anything that cannot be criticized

11 months ago

social media influencers don't give a fuck about you
there's no denying that social media is bad
their entire life revolves around sumin satanic
i hope to be an inspiration
social networking encourages people to be shitty to each other
the shittier they act the more $ the website makes so...
maybe i just really hate evil
yt is already bad enough but at least it's creative, not just dramatic
social media influencers have no liability
b/c i'm not a heathen anymore i can't justify behaving badly
i'm a bitch b/c i care
i hate it when people bother me, it's so annoying
this looks like shit
i'm super conscious of the fact that my idealized self is a dream
nice is nothing, kindness is everytihng
so i recently did this joke on autism...
my anxiety would kick in precisely before i was supposed to show up at work ever so conveniently
i don't remember when i got over that but i'm glad i did

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