ISIS Claims Responsibility for a Deadly Attack at a Concert Hall in Russia

11 months ago

03/22/2024 CBS News: ISIS claims responsibility for killing 60 people and hurting more than 145 at a concert hall outside Moscow. The U.S. embassy in Moscow issued the alert on March 7 advising Americans to stay away from concert venues, and the U.S. source familiar with the intelligence said that there's been a steady stream of intelligence dating back to November about ISIS wanting to strike in Russia
03/22/2024 CBS新闻:ISIS组织声称对莫斯科郊外一间音乐厅的一次恐怖袭击负责,该恐怖袭击造成 60人死亡、145人受伤;美国驻莫斯科大使馆于3月7日发布警示,建议美国人远离音乐会场馆,情报界消息人士称,自去年11 月以来,不断有情报表明ISIS有计划对俄罗斯发动恐袭。

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