Shocking Historical Events on March 23rd

11 months ago

From revolutions to inventions to tragedies, March 23rd has been a date filled with shocking historical events. Learn more about what happened on this day in history and how it has shaped the world we live in today. You won't believe the significance of March 23rd until you watch this video!

1775 Patrick Henry proclaims "Give me liberty or give me death" in speech right here in Richmond in favor of Virginia troops joining US Revolutionary war. All of you in the other 49 States, you’re welcome
1839 1st recorded use of "OK" [oll korrect] (Boston's Morning Post)
1840 John William Draper takes 1st successful photo in US of the Moon (daguerreotype), in New York City
1857 Elisha Otis installs his 1st elevator at 488 Broadway in New York City
1867 Congress passes 2nd Reconstruction Act over President Andrew Johnson's veto
1882 The Edmunds Act (Edmunds Anti-Polygamy Act) is adopted by the US to suppress polygamy. 1300 men are later imprisoned under the act
1903 The Wright brothers 1st file a patent for a flying machine, which is granted 3 years later
1919 8th Congress of the Russian Communist Party re-establishes a five-member Politburo which becomes the center of political power in the Soviet Union. Original members Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Joseph Stalin, Lev Kamenev and Nikolai Krestinsky.
1919 Benito Mussolini forms Fascist group Fasci di Combattimento (Italian Fighting Bands) in Milan, Italy - later reorganized into National Fascist Party
1922 1st airplane lands at the US Capitol in Washington, D.C.
1945 Battle of Okinawa: US Navy ships bomb the Japanese island of Okinawa in preparation for the Allied invasion; it would become the largest battle of the Pacific War in World War II
1945 The Swallow Sidecar Company headed by William Lyons agrees to change its name to Jaguar
1957 US army sells last homing pigeons
1965 Gemini 3 launched, 1st US 2-man space flight (Grissom & Young)
1973 Yoko Ono is granted permanent residence in USA
1976 International Bill of Rights goes into effect (35 nations ratifying)
1983 US President Ronald Reagan introduces Strategic Defense Initiative ("Star Wars”)
1994 Howard Stern formally announces his Libertarian run for NY governor
2006 The Federal Reserve discontinues publishing M3 money supply
2010 US President Barack Obama signs the Affordable Care Act (ACA), nicknamed 'Obamacare', expanding the availability and affordability of health care insurance
2016 GPR investigation of Shakespeare's tomb at Holy Trinity Church in Stratford concludes the Bard's skull probably has been stolen
2021 First ever tweet by Twitter founder Jack Dorsey "just setting up my twttr" sells for $2.9 million in digitally autographed version
2023 Utah is the first state to limit social media for minors, including an overnight curfew and parental consents

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