Ep 113 N8 22nd Mar 2024 Supremacy of NZ Parliament Under Siege?

6 months ago

This is a super important recording and for us that are interested in the New Zealand Constitution tonights episode is a must watch!

Its all about power and where the power lies and how each branch exercises that power or doesn't exercise it.

The three branches
The 3 branches of government
The Parliament - legislative - Supreme 
The Executive - this is the Crown
The Judiciary - the Courts

Tonights title is Parliament under siege. Parliament is the legislative branch and is supreme as it is the voice of the people through their ELECTED representatives. There is a problem at the base of our NZ Constitution in that we have UN-ELECTED MPs which are those on the Party List. They are not elected individually. We don’t know who they are, what they are up to or what their motivations are! Examples of this are Green MPs that have come in power off the Party List. 

Liz takes us through MMP set up and how that originated. MMP brings coalition governments. Bring back First Past The Post which is majority rules

Parliament under attack - Through two sources - the courts and the other is the executive The Crown, made up of the cabinet, the ministries and the Govern General who appoints the judges and a lot of powerful positions. GG also has the role of swearing and proroguing the Govt when they go off on their break. Liz suggests this is a very abused position. 

Liz brings in the English Civil War and 1688 Bill Of Rights and how that came about. 

Law was made by kings until 1649.
Kings are not ELECTED by the people.

They come into power purely based on their bloodlines.

King Charles 1st committed treason against the people through huge taxation and misspending of public funds. He was tried and found guilty of Treason and executed on 30th Jan 1649. 

There was an Act of Parliament in 1649 that made it unlawful and an Act of Treason to elect a Kind or Queen from that day forward. Find it here https://www.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/acts-ordinances-interregnum/pp1263-1264

Then came 10 years of the Interregnum. All of these cases are recorded in the Acts And Ordinances Of The Interregnum which you can find here https://www.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/acts-ordinances-interregnum?page=1

There were many changes made to English law.

In 1660 the “Restoration” happened and it was not a success. This is when King Charles II, son of King Charles I, was bought in as King despite the Act of 1649 making it an Act of Treason. He then proceeded to repeat the same antics as his father. There was always a suspicion that King Charles II wold repeat the same treatment of non-catholics as did his father. 

This is what gives us the preamble of 1688 Bill Of Rights, is part of our NZ Imperial Laws and our NZ Constitution. In 1688 William and Mary of Orange, who were cousins of the Stuart Kings, were bough in as “Constitutional” Monarchs only - and this is a very important distinction!! They are figureheads ONLY! The power is with the people!!! 

The Queen In Right Of New Zealand is a company. This came about in NZ in 1986. This is the Crown - NOT parliament! The British Royals call themselves “The Firm” This is the Crown in the UK - Not the Parliament of the UK.

There is push by the “Crown” corporation, which has become very very strong over the last 30-40years, to take the power away from the people and back to the crown. It would create a type of “Restoration” period again.

Go back and watch Liz’s zoom on the treason documents here- as this is super relevant - https://rumble.com/v2v2gpw-ep-54-n8-the-results-of-the-treason-documents.html - Liz has been telling us about this stuff for ages!!!
These documents and accompanying videos show that the Executive Branch handed over the administration of NZ to an UNELECTED group. 

KC lawyer Gary Judd article -https://www.bassettbrashandhide.com/post/gary-judd-kc-on-judicial-imperialism 
He highlights the other attack which is from the courts in the form judges rulings that insist lawyers consider tikanga and apply it in all their cases whether it’s relevant or not! Tikanga are customs and beliefs not law. 

Liz highlights the case called Director General of Health v Wakameinanga Konehera Houora Health Council, Maori Government of NZ, a doctor and a dentist both part of NZDSOS and a couple of other people - case name and number DIRECTOR OF THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH v. WAKAMINENGA KAUNIHERA HAUORA CIV-2022-404-847 [2022] NZHC 1765. This shows links in to the unions. It shows link to the Nurses Union and how some people, health professionals have been lead up the garden path by WKH by them offering an alleged “superior jurisdiction” to practice their doctor and nursing skills. This was miss-information from the Crown corporation. On WKH website was statements by the Supreme Court from the Ellis case came the talk about tikanga and how lawyers in NZ should act. Thats not the role of the Supreme Court!! The Law Society added to this miss-information!! 

A gold mine of cool stuff in this zoom with more following on from the notes above!!

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