Magnetic Fields of the Human Body – Manly P. Hall

10 months ago

“There isn’t enough Evil in all this world to destroy one persons Integrity. That must be done himself.”

If you like Sabrina Wallace, you will LOVE this one! Sabrina and Hope and Tivon calls this the Biofield or the Human Biofield, also can be referred to as the Bioshield or the Aura of Energy that surrounds the body. Manly P. Hall calls it the Magnetic Field which protects us from diseases and can be a shield to negativity.

This was an Audiocast on 4/23/1989 by an 88 year old Manly P. Hall.

Integrity is being Harmonious with the Laws of the Universe. The laws of the Universe is the truth. It is the inevitable law of life.

One of the most neglected areas of research is the Magnetic Fields of Man, the Universe and of the smallest Atoms.

The study of magnetism can be traced backed to Egypt. The staff, wands and priests were instruments of magnetic conjuring.

The Greeks used it also. It was well know to Pythagoras, who gave us considerable information on the subject, which was buried and forgotten, the Arabs and the Chinese were aware of it and it re-emerged in the 17th century with Rosicrucianism.

Pythagoras said there was a temple in Egypt that was used for therapy with mathematics and geometrical shapes like cubes and octagons that were placed on an altar in which people just looked upon them – it was an energy healing.

Rosicrucianism is a spiritual and cultural movement that arose in early modern Europe in the early 17th century after the publication of several texts announcing to the world a new esoteric order. Rosicrucianism is symbolized by the Rosy Cross or Rose Cross.

Robert Fludd - an astrologer, mathematician, cosmologist, Qabalist and Rosicrucian wrote about it.

The Magnetic Theory is based on what we call Empty Air – Aether. It is also referred to as the Fifth Element sometimes, which modern science is attempting to debunk to keep research and funding away from this area.

Air is actually a tremendous magnetic energy. The atmosphere carries the energy of the sun. The seasons, summer, fall, winter and spring are due to a magnetic factor in the air.

What is Air?

Air is something within itself. It is a substance. It is a basic factor in the contributions which make up Existence.

Air Transmits – we can have all kinds of programs on the Air at the same time, they can come from all directions, they can overlap and interlap. But each one will remain separate as if it were moving in a channel of its own.

Thus we realize there is something out there besides air, besides nitrogen, argon, helium, hydrogen and oxygen. We are in the presence of a mysterious agent. An agent that is part of everything we are.

Each human body is surrounded by an energy aetheric field. This energy field is sometimes referred to as an Aura, it is an area of magnetic energy.

This Magnetic Energy forms an Egg-like atmospheric sheet around the body. It usually extends 3 to 5 feet in each direction.

This energy field is the basis of virtue. It moves emotion, thought, and the attitudes of the person.

If the person is living by the laws of the universe the magnetic field provides extreme protection. It can handle all kinds of infections, it will help to heal wounds, it will help the organs recover from ailments, if we are deprived of something, this energy field – Biofield – Aura – Magnetic Energy will try to compensate for it.

As long as the individual takes proper care of his magnetic field, it will serve him.

No one studies or pays any attention to these magnetic fields.

The energy comes from the SUN.

It comes in a Mysterious Tube.

It Enters the Human Body through the Crown of the Head. It disseminates through the entire body. It is exited through the lower centers of the body and is re-cleansed by the solar energy.

This magnetic energy is a small capsule of LIGHT we are carry with us all of the time.

Morality plays a big part in this magnetic energy. The moment we break rules we damage that magnetic flow.

We have to keep the Laws of Nature and these in turn are the Laws of God, the Laws of the Universe.

If we do not keep these laws, the magnetic field will begin to fail and weaken. It can fail because of physical intemperances which can reduce its energy and power.

It can be destroyed by negative moods and attitudes. It can be weakened by alcohol, drugs and narcotic and prescription drugs.

If this field is damaged, it immediately relates to your health. It takes away vitality and makes the person more subject to contagions and infections and it definitely shortens life expectancy.

What is Morality?

To the Ancients it was the Laws of God or the Words of God.

Not only does the Magnetic Field surround the entire body, but each part of the body has a magnetic field. It is in the tiniest atom. There is no such thing as a dead particle in the universe. Even if it is killed by something, the degrading process is a symbol of life energy.

Virtue is to keep the law of energy field.

The Law of the Energy Field is also the Law of Integrity.

The energy field is what establishes Right and Wrong.

Any thought or action that is CONTRARY to the Common or Great Good is WRONG.

Selfishness is wrong.

Breaking any of the 10 Commandments is Wrong.

The heart and organs have its own life energy.

Every form in nature has a magnetic field. The rules of each of them must be obeyed.

All natural things are benevolent. It is only when these are abused, mostly by humanity that these benevolences are lost.

We live in a Universe in which everything is in harmony IF we are.

**The Magnetic Field that Protects us, protects us against ANY negative magnetic field that does not arise within ourselves. We are NOT contaminated by other people UNLESS we surrender our attitudes and integrity to other people.

Individuals can become ill because of a bad disposition of anxiety or hysteria for example may weaken the magnetic field of the stomach and intestines.

No individual is infected entirely from himself but never completely without himself.

In the Rosicrucian philosophy we had Alchemy – the transmutation of vary phases of light. Alchemy was a transformation and transmutation of energies. These energies are the same ones we have in magnetism.

Crystals in stones are formed by magnetism and the vibration.

Nutrition is really the study of Magnetic Fields – the frequency of the various products we call Food.

GMO changes the Magnetism of the organisms. It is not Natural. Thus is a negative. When eaten it will WEAKEN the magnetic energy field around the human body.

To avoid conflict an individual must not abuse his body or mind – must not think negatively, must not develop attitudes which are incompatible with the integrities which nature has bestowed.

The magnetic fields are absolutely honest. There is no way of making them dishonest. The only thing we can do to them is destroy or limit the manifestation of their integrity.

If we break the rule, we lose the benefit of that particular energy. When we lose that benefit we then say that evil has come to us, but it is not an evil thing that has come to us.

The magnetic fields are in a constant state of evolution.

A person might be born on a certain level of integrity. If he becomes a better person, he strengthens the values in himself, his integrity grows and increases.

The more integrity grows, the more rapidly the individual becomes harmoniously adjusted to the principle of light to which he belongs.

Integrity is also a magnetic field. Everything is. Even emotions have their own magnetism. Everything that has an existence has a magnetic field.

Television is actually using Magnetism. We have all these stations and they are broadcasting on various wavelengths, you have police and fire stations broadcasting transmission – they are all a work achieved by energy. The atmosphere in which these energies are transmitted has its own light, it is alive, space is alive. The integrity of transmitting signals through the atmosphere is not comprised, you can send a video from one side of the country to the other side on a channel frequency and it is the complete and whole with no compromise.

If something negative is sent over the airways, that will corrupt the channel, corrupt the receiving target.

*Think of the WBAN – Wireless Body Area Network – if we have both receivers and transmitters in our body from jabs then the Globalists can remotely attack our Magnetic Fields, our Biofields and cause illness. They can actually weaken and even tear down the Bioshield or Biofield with malicious, negative transmissions.

See this video about the WBAN → ***Wireless Body Area Network – How they Run Computer Networks through Human Bodies – Hope & Tivon --

The only time an individual can be harmed is IF that individual sells out his own energy.

What happened in the Covid Plandemic? They wanted us to Volunteer to get the shots and technically mandates are still volunteering because it is not like you will be put in prison, but you may be fired – but it’s still YOUR choice.

When you voluntarily give up your rights you are giving up your protective Bioshield or Biofield, your are weakening your Aura, you Magnetic Field.

YOU are the one who has to relinquish your own Integrity before you can be damaged by outside forces.

There is not enough Evil in the ALL the world to destroy the Integrity of ONE person.

What is Right and Wrong? It is simply a matter of what builds up and what tears down the essential energies on which life depends.

Whatever we see, hear, feel, smell or taste – has energy.

If your food is contaminated the Magnetic Energy of Field of that Food is damaged and if eaten it will damage the magnetic field around your body.

We are all wrong when we say that Civilization is destroying us. That is not true. What is destroying us is our acceptance into our own inner light of the shortcomings and mistakes that we associate with civilization.

All the energy of light has to be used properly. The moment it becomes abused is when it becomes dangerous.

Every picture that we see has a magnetic field. The picture is life in a canvas or life in a frame

Everything is made of living elements, even that which we cannot see. Everything that has a magnetic field is alive.

The real damage is to the magnetic fields. The magnetic field of a small child can be so badly damaged that can never really recover. If the damage happens BEFORE the age of CONSENT, when a child can choose his or her own light, it has to be dependent on someone.

The person who the child is dependent upon is also damaged. Wherever there is integrity, the one who causes the damage is the primary one who must pay. If the individual causes his own damage, then he is the one who must pay for it.

The damage is in the magnetic field. It is in that part of ourselves which we depend upon to maintain our various integrity.

A reformation is nothing more than a reform of the use of our available energy.

Everything is Energy.

The source of all energy fields in the body is the Heart. *What do the mRNA shots harm?

The heart is where the body radiates.

The most dangerous of all corruption is the abuse of LOVE, abuse of benevolence, mercy, and compassion which are associated with the heart.

If an individual begins to hate someone or breaks friendship for advantage of gain, the heart bioshield is lowered as integrity is lowered. The one who cheats has lowered his defenses against being cheated in his own game.

If he opens an evil, he opens the door for evil to be done to him because he has destroyed the magnetic defenses.

These defenses are invisible but they are very real. They represent an actual flow of energy.

Inanimate Objects also have magnetic fields. Stones, Trees, have magnetic fields.

Every church, every bank, is a LIVING Entity. *This goes to what mediums say that everything has conscious energy that they pick up on. Everyting.

Everything is alive with the quality in which it was created.

All entities still must abide with the Law of Integrity – which is the Law of Nature. If a bank acts in a selfish way, that is a breach in integrity and it opens the door for trouble – insolvency could be in its future.

The Stock Market is being misused and abused and it will eventually destroy itself. There is no possibility of an abuse succeeding, it may seem to be thriving for a while, but it will eventually fail.

Every abuse of LIGHT in ANY way are paid for with Magnetic Effects.

Nuclear Fusion is the use of a Divine Power to injure other people. Therefor, that which lives by the sword, must perish by the sword.

Our whole morality is a matter of light (life) energies, it is a matter of gradually bringing all our intemperance's (excessive indulgences) into a pattern of usefulness, creativeness and constructiveness. We must turn the negatives into positives. Everything can be used to advance the common good.

Everything that is used to destroy will be destroyed by its own destructiveness within its self.

If one obeys the laws of nature, everything will be solved.

Energy is everywhere and it must be properly used.

The Power of Meditation has to do with the use of Magnetic Energy. Meditation should be used to increase Integrity and Character.

Magnetism is a great field of energy available to us all.

The moment one becomes selfish – his magnetic field begins to fail. Selfishness destroys the defenses of our own magnetic field – our Protective Bioshield.

If someone steals, he is opening the door for someone else to steal from him – it is reciprocity.

A waste of energy is an abuse of the magnetic fields, the moment they are abused they fail us.

The Magnetic Field, which is not only of us, is of this Earth, this Galaxy, and the Universe decrees that Evil can NEVER Win.

We will never be punished for what somebody else does. Never will we be rewarded for the virtues of others. We must achieve these things through our OWN Efforts, through our own Integrities and through our own dedications.

The key point to this whole lecture by Manly is that we have some Evil f*cker’s running the world and we can’t be sucked into their world of self-destructiveness. Everything is about ENERGY. Don’t give our energies to the wicked, it makes us lose our own Integrity and once integrity is lost lose defense system, our “Biofield” becomes weak which is an invite to negativity and illness. Integrity cannot be taken from us, we must give it away. Becoming conscious to this fact is the first step of maintaining and regaining integrity.

About Manly Palmer Hall: Manly P. Hall – born (March 18, 1901 – August 29, 1990), was a Canadian-born scholar and philosopher.

1. Manly Hall was a child prodigy, displaying exceptional intelligence and knowledge from a young age. By the time he was ten years old, he had memorized and could recite the entire Bible.

2. Despite his impressive knowledge and intellect, Manly Hall never received a formal education. He claimed that his research and understanding of various subjects came through dedicated self-study and unique insights.

3. At the age of 18, Manly Hall published his first book, "The Lost Keys of Freemasonry." This book brought him widespread attention and established his reputation as a respected esoteric scholar at a young age.

4. Manly Hall founded the Philosophical Research Society, a non-profit organization dedicated to the study of ancient wisdom, philosophy, and metaphysics. The society still exists today and has a vast library, museum, and research facilities.

5. In addition to his extensive knowledge of philosophy, mysticism, and the occult, Manly Hall was also deeply interested in art. He had a talent for painting and enjoyed creating his own artwork, which often incorporated symbolic imagery and esoteric themes.

These Videos Explain How they are Attacking our Personal Magnetic Fields -- our Biofields:

1. *** Wireless Body Area Network – How they Run Computer Networks through Human Bodies – Hope & Tivon --

2. *** Biosnesors and MAC Addresses – How do they get the biosensors in me? – What about the MAC ID’s? --

3. *** Biomedical Signals can be Measured from the Human Body Wirelessly – Our body is the Computer Network --

4. *** Wireless Body Area Network – (WBAN) – Was the Purpose of Covid to Connect us to the Cloud? --

5. *** Sabrina Wallace – CoV-BAN, IoT and WBAN – Computer Networking Through the Human Body --

6. *** Prof. Ian F. Akylidiz - "mRNA Vaccines are Injected as Programmable Bio-Nano Machines” --

7. *** 5G is a Weapon System Targeted towards the Injected to Hack inside your Body – WBAN --


Sergeant Major --

The Energy Fields of the Human Body – Manly P. Hall -- *Only 19 pages.

The Secret Teachings of All Ages – Manly P. Hall --

The Lost Keys of Freemasonry – Manly P. Hall --

30 Best Manly Hall Quotes with Images -- - *Good Source on Manly Hall.


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END. 3/23/2024 – 9:00 PM

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