March 23, 2024

11 months ago

Blasting radio, silver vehicle, KNM 9060 NY, this the third license plate I know about this vehicle, it has been blasting the radio on multiple occasions, almost daily, on several occasions per day, since February 2021, no definitive action has been taken by the NYPD in spite of multiple, multiple complaints, and no action will be taken. I really wonder, with the exception of high profile crimes, and spending their time trying to find a way to get me arrested, what else the NYPD really does the rest of the time? General loudness. I see the area surrounding my apartment, and this street in general, as very loud, resembling more a busy intersection, than the middle of a long block, last block, at a residential area. From around 6 am to as late as 3 am, including weekends, you hear vehicles blasting stereos, very loud mufflers, very loud idling, trucks, many, many trucks and other commercial vehicles, piercing back up beeping, loud individuals parades, crying children, screaming children at PS15, very loud tools, drilling and others, rattling of bottles, very loud speakers, very loud handheld radios, barking, very loud motorcycles, multiple sirens, etc, etc., in sum loudness around the clock, it is only silence, when someone reliable is present and only last, as long those persons are present. This loudness isn’t a coincidence, or casual, is a campaign of attrition the spy agencies started as early as April 2007, but mainly, on March 2008. The objective is to get me to snap at some point, hence I can be arrested. My case has to be made officially public, any “insurance” the spies have against me, situations the stalkers have created to undermine me, won’t work, I have much more of what I have said. The only thing the good guys have to do, is to put me into the legal arena, and observe from afar, don’t have to risk anything, no need to vouch for me. I’ve tried to make my case official but security guards and receptionists working for the spy agencies have refused to let me talk to anyone.

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