3 Wondrous Medicinal Herbs! Plantain, Horopito, False Daisy

11 months ago

For the informational newsletter that goes with this presentation, click here: https://conta.cc/3vlodcV

Three remarkable plants with remarkable medicinal properties! The first two I only recently learned about.

The first, Horopito, in researching plant medicine for Candida overgrowth.

The second, False Daisy, from a comment in the comments section on Rumble when viewing my presentation on Moringa a few weeks ago.

The third, Plantain, is an "old friend" but with even more benefits than I have given it credit for!

HOROPITO - Pseudowintera colorata
FALSE DAISY - Eclipta prostrata
PLANTAIN - Plantago major or lanceolata

We start with plantain and spend MOST of the hour on this fabulous natural medicine, but you can find all of the written material for that and for the other two in the newsletter.

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