Baked Veggie Chicken on a Bed of Mashed Potatoes with Cheesy Crusted Goodness"

10 months ago

Indulge in comfort with our savory Bake Veggie Chicken, nestled on a bed of creamy mashed potatoes, topped with irresistible cheesy crust. A delightful dish that's as easy to make as it is delicious!"


500 gr potatoes
250 gr mushroom
150 gr leek
1 onion
1 clove of garlic
300 gr chicken
30 ml oil
200 ml milk
25 gr butter
1/2 dessert spoon of salt
1/4 dessert spoon of pepper
1,5 dessert spoon of curry
1/2 dessert spoon of cumin
1/2 dessert spoon of salt
1/4 dessert spoon of pepper
1/2 dessert spoon of sweet chili pepper
1/4 dessert spoon of chili pepper
1/4 dessert spoon of thyme

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