Back to the Basics: Believe – Jn. 14:1-14

11 months ago

Over many years of pastoring, I have counseled a lot of people struggling with how to line up their faith with whatever issues they were dealing with. And so often, those discussions go back to one of the most basic principles of faith: believe. Before one can exercise faith, one must first believe what God has said in his Word. (Cati's Ex.)

At some point, we just have to believe God. What we do as Christians -- how we behave, the goals we set, how we address problems -- goes back to what we believe. The fascinating thing is that so many of our internal struggles continue to dog us because of our unbelief. We have talked about this numerous times in John. Today's lesson takes us back to that same lesson: JUST BELIEVE. John says it over and over again. Do you think it's important?

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