Child Trafficking, Cannibalism & Intentional Collapse of Haiti – History of The Clinton Foundation

10 months ago


Waking the World up

The Locals in Haiti call it the “Clinton’s Den.” They say this is where children are taking out in the country where they are hunted, sacrificed and their flesh is eaten.
To the world it may appear the Clinton’s are Haiti’s advocate, but locals say the Clinton’s are a horror story, a nightmare, their worst enemy.

Laura Silsby, likely one of the Clinton’s pawns, was caught red handed trafficking children, but political powers saved her from spending the rest of her days in a Haiti prison, or worse.

Bill Clinton hired a lawyer, who himself had previously been convicted of running a sex trafficking ring, that lawyer was able to get Laura out of Haiti so the Clinton’s could quickly reward her and hire her to run the Amber Alert System here in the USA.

Guess who gave a “Supporting” statement for Laura Silsby? James Alefantis – the Pizzagate guy who the trafficked children directly to the white house and had the wild parties in his kids pizza joint – Comet Ping Pong.

That’s how it works. You put the Child Traffickers in charge of children who are being abducted.

A women who was caught MULTIPLE times as an International Child Trafficker is named executive at the Child Abduction Alert Amber Alert System in the USA. Only in America.

The Clinton Foundation stole over $13 Billion in donations that were to be used to help Haitian’s – post January 12, 2010 earthquake.

What did they get for that $13 Billion? A few people handing out Bottled Water on some street corners.

The Clinton’s, as the Bush’s, as the Obama’s – are a CRIME Family. They all are part of the New World Order Cabal who want to depopulate the masses down and then imprison the remainders.

That $13 Billion in International Aid was met as infrastructure aid. Much of it was just paid to Clinton friends who were military contractors.

You have some bad apples in Haiti now it seems.

There is a plan called the Great Replacement being implemented by the Chinese criminal puppet we are forced to call president – Joe Biden. This is happening right now where the worst of every country is being IMPORTED to the United States. You are seeing them from China, from Haiti and from South America.

It is an infestation plan to contaminate and destroy the American Culture.
America is being run by a Global Cabal – a Global Cartel. They control the Federal Reserve, Central Banks, and they are in charge of who gets the funding as the funds will go to support their agendas and be filtered away from those who do not.

These people are sick and they are evil.

Source: Strangenews --

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