Deagel Depopulation Forecast 2025 (see description)

11 months ago

Deagel Depopulation Forecast 2025

Deagel Corp, is a minor branch of US military intelligence, a secretive organization that collects data for high level decision making purposes and prepares confidential briefing documents for agencies like the NSA, the UN and World Bank.

What seems clear is that the plan is not only to depopulate the planet but to do so by targetting a specific ethnic group - White people. The countries with greater losses of population are Western countries.


This is all down to the satanic Club of Rome, the weaponization of governments and police against the "five eyes"....this is clearly not just white genocide but the fulfillment of the Vatican's quest to eradicate Christianity. These demons knew a long time ago that the advent of the internet and 9/11 woke up many people who used the internet to expose the cabal and their Godless, soulless scumbags in secret societies. A video on my channel from the 1994 World Population Summit in Cairo gave their game away quite quickly. Those who are black "should" not think for one second that their days would be numbered, HIV was a bioweapon against Blacks and LGBT populations. God's wrath will be fast and furious. Buckle up.

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