CLIMATE The MOVIE. The Lie of the "climate crisis" exposed for the EVIL it is.

11 months ago

MARCH 23, 2024

The CLIMATE CRISIS CULT IS FILLED WITH WEALTHY RACISTS AND GLOBAL ELITISTS and their government academia indoctrinated puppet people. THIS is how a few powerful liars will control the world's populations even more than they currently do. Trillions of dollars wrapped in bogus science, fake textbooks, curriculums and "experts" who have gotten rich by playing along.

The movie CLIMATE THE MOVIE (watch for free on vemeo) is Brilliant. The documentary uses science to further expose the GREEN SUSTAINABLE ENERGY CON ARTISTS and the LIE of a CLIMATE CRISIS.

Will the world ever recover from the harm done by the WEF, the UN and other globalist extreme organizations that protect the wealthy and powerful while enslaving billions with fake science and other lies? AMERICAN politicians have sold out our citizens to this fear farce and other money-making fallacies for decades. From the sheer stupidity of carbon credits to the evil of depriving humans of fossil fuel, food and freedom.
FOLLOW THE MONEY AND leads straight to government leaders who for centuries have put themselves above the people.

Dear American Patriot,
Think about all the "anchors", "journalists", "hosts", "entertainers" and even some so-called "truthers" who have lied to you about so many things that have impacted your life. Especially in recent years. I don't lie to you. In fact I have fun getting to the truth even when telling the truth makes me a target. My daily reports are commercial free. My podcasts are uncensored. There is no corporate machine keeping me locked on some fake narrative. I have no products to pitch you. I interview more whistleblowers than celebrities. I'm inviting you to subscribe to my daily report. Get KEN for TEN. 10 usd per month. It’s only 33 cents per day. That's a great deal for the truth, analysis AND laughter. We need to laugh or we'll go crazy but we need the truth or we'll lose our country. To my current Subscribers, Thank you for your loyal support, encouragement and interaction.
God Bless you and our country,
Ken Matthews

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